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Even the most powerful man cannot escape the pain of love.

The king has fallen: Chapter 1

I ran into the woods. I had tripped in roots but I still ran as fast as my feet would get me. Someone--- rather some creatures is following me. Yellow eyes that glows in the dark. I breathed heavily. My lungs was on fire. I couldn't breath anymore as I was slowing down.

I tried to look at my back but I was tackled to the ground, hard. I looked up to see a huge wolve in front of me. It has the most glowing yellow eyes I have ever seen.

"Katerina wake up." I gasped.

I am greeted by the loving eyes of my mom. "Bad dream? C'mon now. We're going to Silla." My eyes widened.

My mom never liked to go to the Sicily. It is the very reason why we lived in the far south. Well, Silla is in the far north from us. It is also where the Romanov castle is. It is the dream place for everyone. The Romanov castle is some place that anyone would've dreamt to live in or-- just me. However, since I was young, my mother would not let me near at the castle. Not even a sight. She would always tell me that that place is very dangerous. It's not like a castle that a princess would be, as she says.

But more to it, once in a while, my mom will bring me there. She would visit an old friend of hers and that is when I get to linger around the place but still, far away from the castle.

"Momma can I go now to the castle? Just a glimpse." I blurted out.

The castle is where King Romanov lives. Since I was young, momma will tell me stories about him. He was a vicious, the ill-tempered-heartless king as she says. It started when he killed his whole family in the late centuries. He was far more beast than a human. All wolves live as like human. They were never different from us except with their strength and abilities. But the king was different from any other wolves. Some will say that the king doesn't have any human now that makes him feral. Far more dangerous than a rabbit rouge wolf.

My mom simply shakes his head. "You cannot child. We will only visit your auntie Carol and buy some stuffs. You can wonder in town but never near the castle." 

She always says this to me every time than I can count.

As soon as we arrived, I was left alone to wonder in town. The town was filled in an all-time marketplace. It is basically where all the things in the world were found.

I was planning to seek out a glimpse of the castle. I never in my life had disobey my mother. It's just... I really want to see the castle in my naked eyes. 

Just a glimpse and I will leave.

I was beyond awed when I've reached the castle within sight. A shudder came run through me as I deeply stare into it. There's something about this castle that intimately draws me in. I was a bit sad that the gates were higher than anyone could ever see what's inside, but I am still glad that I am here.

I wanted to sneak in. Badly wants to wonder around inside but there's no way in but the gates with numerous guards on point.

With nothing much that I can do, I just went to the sidewalk stores around the place. There is much to buy here. Definitely filled with all the things in the world. As I head to one of the stores, one particular necklace caught my attention. It's a gold heart shaped locked necklace. I immediately went for it.

The lady vendor just smiles at me. "You have a good taste, dear. I would not think of anyone to wear it but you."

I sweetly smiled at her comment. "Thank you. You sell good stuff here and this is such a wonderful necklace."

"Not as wonderful as you, dear."

Suddenly, the tall gates have finally open. People starts to come close.

I hurriedly pay for the necklace and also went to come close in the gates.

"Excuse me Mister, but what is happening?" The old man hurriedly answers me as he went inside.

"It's the execution day" I paled.

I could not think of anything good as I saw a couple of man bleeding to death. Their hands were tied up in a rope as they kneeled in front of a man in the grand stairs of the castle. The man held power in just the way that he stands. Most wolves cowered in the dominance that he radiates in his ground. Only those us humans who still stand our grounds since we have no wolf that submits but most of us also bow their head at the man upheld.

"Is he the king?" I whispered to myself.

"He cannot be. He's the Beta. The king is more powerful that all the wolves in here will kneeled in the ground only to show submission to his wolf." says the old man that I've asked earlier. I did not know that he'd hear me. He talked but still faces unto the group in front of us.

The man up in the grand was not even the king but I can already feel how powerful he is. I shriek at that thought. If this man was powerful enough, what more can the king be?

"Today we will witness the execution of the group that even dare to defy the law of the kingdom! It is a farest warning to all of the wolves and humans, no soul that go against the kingdom, primarily to the king, will ever be wondering even in death with his head intact." I cringed at the words of the looks like head of the guards.

The guards and some of the wolves' howl in his words while the humans paled, and some had already backed a little. However, the group of now rogue wolves' trash in the hands of the guards. But to no veil, the guards had only knocked them up in the ground keeping their heads hang on the air.

The crowd become silence when the Beta has given it signal.

"The king will be here shortly. Have their heads now and burn them after. He does not want to see mess in his kingdom when he arrives." The sound of the Beta's voice made me shuddered a little. He isn't definitely someone who you want to be with.

Sound of growls erupted from the group. Some of the crowd had leave, not wanting to see this hideous event while I stand here rooted on my spot not believing what was about to happen. The pit of my stomach crunch. I badly want to help. Howeverwhat can I do? There is a weird part of me that's unsettled that I can't help them.  My insides hurt as the thought of some wolves were about to die.

Unknowingly, I was about to go in the middle when the old man gently tugs me back.

He shakes his head. "You cannot do anything about it. It's been going on for years. It's a sight that's almost normal to us here who lives near the castle. You wouldn't want to be in their place, right?"

I looked up bewildered. Unbelievable. Normal? How is any of this normal?

"Off their heads and tear them to shreds!"

A loud scream escaped my lips when I saw the group's head now rolling in the ground. My scream rang throughout the place that made everyone look in my direction.

I was too scared to do anything. I looked up and see the Beta's eyes were directly staring unto mine. The look he gave me made me run. So, I did.

"Get her."

The king Has Fallen (Fall Series# 1)Where stories live. Discover now