Chapter 44 (A Shell-less Turtle)

Start from the beginning

"No!" she wailed. Jives sighed and pulled her into his arms as she cried. It broke my heart seeing her so upset, she was like a sister to me after all. I wish there was a way I could make her feel better, but there was only one person who could console her at this time.

When Clay rushed in upon hearing the commotion, he immediately scooped her up in his arms and held her close. All of that fussing and crying she had started, ceased once she was in his arms, hugging onto his neck. "What's wrong, princess?" he cooed.

"I'm leaving and you can't go," she croaked.

Clay gave Jives a grave look. "Why would you tell her that?"

"It slipped."

Clay pressed his lips against Heather's forehead and made sure she knew, "When you leave, you can call me anytime, sweetheart." I was really hoping that he started getting calls at three in the morning when she couldn't sleep. It was an evil thing to wish on someone, but he yelled at me this morning and deserved it.

I shoveled pancakes into my mouth and got to spend a little time with Jives who reminded me that my father and brothers would be leaving for California tomorrow morning. I made a mental note to go see them before I went home today and to pop by Stella and Jack's to say hello as well.

"Charlie, we have to take the two love birds to school first," Clay mentioned. "Princess, you can stay with me if it's alright with your father."

"Actually, I haven't been able to spend much time with her, so she and I are having a daddy day," Jives spoke up. "There is a carnival happening a town over that I'm going to take her to." Heather's eyes lit up at the thought. Not even Clay was a match for cotton candy and carnival games.

Clay reluctantly handed Heather over, but not before she collected the hug and kiss I had promised he would give her for eating all of her food. He squeezed her tight and laid a smooch onto her cheek that caused her whole face to react by flashing a bright red. I'm pretty sure Clay didn't need a girlfriend. He needed a bunch of kids to take care of who have had rough lives. Heather's life hasn't been easy breezy, I think that's why he cared so much about her. I know he lost his mom at a young age, it only made sense that he would want to make someone like him smile.

"Bring me back some cotton candy, beautiful," he requested from her. She flashed him a thumbs up to let him know she would and snuggled up to her father.

Jives tugged me up from my seat to wrap an arm around me."You and Brant should come over for dinner tonight, we're having steak."

There wasn't a doubt in my mind that Brant would want to go. He loves spending time with family, and I'm sure he missed being around everyone since he accustomed to being around them twenty-four seven. I hugged Jives back and placed a kiss on his cheek. "I'm about ninety-nine percent sure we'll be there."

"Good, because tomorrow I'm leaving too, and I need to spend time with my little girl before I go." He ruffled my hair, cluing in that he meant me before he exited the room with the bubbling Heather who was excited about the carnival. "See you later!" he tossed over his shoulder.

We all said goodbye to him and Heather, then returned to our normal breakfast routines. I finished stuffing my face full of the delicious pancakes Clay had made in record time when I saw that he was preparing to wash dishes. I handed him my plate when I finished and knocked him in the side with my hip.

"Do you want help with the dishes?" I politely asked, even if he hadn't been very nice to me earlier.

He looked up from the sudsy water in the sink to smile gratefully at me. "Thanks, Charlie," he said when I stood next to him to rinse. It was no big deal, I knew how easier it was to do the dishes when you have someone to help out.

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