Depuis le début

She stopped to admire her reflection in the mirror.

Her evenly placed features beautifully graced her round face. Her luscious gold skin was accompanied by a sharp nose and large inquisitive eyes. The smile on her lips spread from ear to ear, filling all who saw it with cheer. Her flowing black wavy hair was set neatly with a thin golden headgear, lined with yellow sapphire stones. The multiple layers of the headgear fell on her broad temple, her eyes the same colour as the deep black kohl which lined them. Gilded accessories bejeweled with precious yellow sapphire hung comfortably across her arms, wrists, neck and ears, bearing proof of her royal lineage.

Taking along her bow and arrow, she scurried forward, the golden slippers on her slender feet clinking softly with every step she took.

On her way out, she peered in her little sister's room, to ensure if she was still sleeping soundly.

Without waking a soul, she exited the palace and stepped out into the cold morning. Running swiftly, she took a back route which was hidden mostly by small trees, and then jumped over the iron fences that lined the palace boundary.

Aaryamani was aware that in spite of her noiseless departure, the Yazhis would still be keeping a close watch on her, till the time she was safely back in the palace.

She turned around to see her Kingdom's flag flying violently in the strong wind, perched high atop the tallest pillar. A magnificent horse with its wings outstretched, covered the centre of the flag, with the sun on its right and a crescent moon on its left. These elements were stitched in gold across a green flag, denoting the rich foliage that her Kingdom was blessed with. The winged horse denoted the mythical horse-pair Astrit and Arva, which soared centuries ago in the skies of Jarota, at day and night respectively.

The sight always filled Aaryamani with great pride.

She took the usual route for her morning excursions. The soil was damp from mist and smelled of fresh mud, invigorating her spirits.

Scampering along familiar territories, she crossed houses and empty markets, losing herself to her thoughts.

She broke into a light sprint, crossing colourful flowerbeds that filled the air with sweet smell.

The young Princess wanted to enjoy her last few moments of carefreeness, before being engulfed in important matters of her Kingdom. For now her most important concern was wearing the appropriate gown for her coronation, something she would definitely need advice and fussing from little Princess Chandrika.

Soon the open meadows began changing to thin woods, as she continued to walk on the soft grass. Crossing several small streams on her way, she admired the beauty of her surroundings.

Soon enough, she found herself at the entrance of the thick forests. She decided to turn around and trace her steps backward, when suddenly her eyes caught something moving swiftly behind the trees.

Hiding behind one herself, she watched closely. A beautiful golden peacock stood at some distance from her, feeding from the forest foliage.

She stood watching its movements with bated breath, as it shone brightly in the morning sun. Aaryamani hoped for the bird to spread its golden wings and dance.

It would be the best birthday gift ever.

She silently followed the bird into the forest, awestruck, her eyes never leaving her target for once.

They had reached deep into the forest when the gorgeous bird stopped pecking on the ground and stood still.

It suddenly flared up its golden feathers in a full show and began shaking them slowly, shining as brilliantly as the sun. Bright red eyes peered from the wings at her, as the strange peacock shook in the most hypnotic manner. It then closed its wings momentarily, only to flare them up again, this time shaking more vigourously than before. It seemed to shower a rain of gold everywhere around it, while dancing to the tune of the birds and the bees.

Jarota - The Trapped QueenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant