Chapter One

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Chapter One: "he's okay, mom"

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Chapter One: "he's okay, mom"

The school bus rolls to a stop, emitting a puff of white smoke into the dreary air. As soon as the reflective double doors swing open I'm on my feet, worming my way down the aisle and shuffling down the three steps to the sidewalk.

The wind is merciless, exhaling a mist of cold rain into my eyes as I jog down the sidewalk and up the narrow path to the front door of my house. I grumble as a small orange blob wraps itself around my feet while I fumble for my keys.

"Cheeto, why are you out in the rain?" He meows in response as I finally manage to slide the key into the hole, pushing the door open. I sigh in relief as the heat from the house cages my body. As I kick off my shoes, Cheeto ditches me, escaping up the creaky stairs.

"Elliot, is that you?"

A voice comes from the kitchen, shortly followed by my mother. Her hair is pulled in a tight ponytail, fully showcasing her exhausted face. Her eyes are decorated with dark, seemingly permanent shadows, lips weighed down into a heavy frown that is seldom lifted.

I shoot her a drained smile. She tries her best to do the same, but the corners of her mouth barely move.

"Cheeto was hanging around outside again," I say, coming in for a hug. My frame completely envelopes her tiny one, but the comfort of our embrace is the same as it was when she used to be twice my size. When we separate she's shaking her head.

"That cat is going to be the death of me. I could've sworn I brought him inside an hour ago."

I laugh dryly, moving past her into the kitchen for a snack. "He likes to escape from the kitchen window," I call over my shoulder. I open a cabinet, feeling like I won the lottery when I spot two Rice Krispie Treats. The temptation is too hard to resist, so I rip the first pack open right there and sink my teeth into the gooey bar. The moaning that follows is inevitable.

Mom chuckles somewhere behind me. "You've always been obsessed with those. I should start buying more."

I roll my eyes. Speaking around the sugary goodness in my mouth, I say, "Oh, please. Dad's much worse than me. And don't get me started on Spencer. These were his solution to every problem..."

My voice trails off as I notice the sadness in Mom's coppery eyes. She looks away, hugging herself tightly as moisture collects in her eyes. I swallow, the heavy atmosphere slowly draining my appetite.

"I-I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking."

Guilt eats away at me as I watch her try to catch her tears before they fall. A few slip pass her fingers, marking twisted paths down her cheeks. I pull her in for another hug without thinking, stuffing my unopened Rice Krispie Treat into my pocket. She clutches at my black jacket, shaking as she tries to swallow her sobs. I rub her back like she rubs mine when I'm hurting.

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