Well now you're just being dramatic.

...But, hearing the drop of his smooth quiet voice wrapped around those words has my skin prickling.

His mouth ghosts back across my cheek and he hovers his mouth over mine, his voice becoming strained with the tension that's making our mouths feel a million miles apart even though it's only millimetres "Please, just a kiss" he sighs, "I'll get on my knees if you need me to, don't make me suffer any more- ...please"

His lips part and he brushes them over my own, his hot breath coming out in sharp shallow puffs of air "Can't even think straight, help me"

I'm closing the gap between us before I can think twice about it, pressing my lips against his and his body slumps like it's melted with relief; his mouth automatically attacking mine with needy, savoury motions and his tongue is eager to slip past my lips and explore my own.

It's triggering all those unfamiliar sensations in me again, and for the first time I take initiative with touching him; letting go of the swing to reach up and grasp my hands around his defined jaw, pulling him closer.

The faintest moan echoes in Harry's throat, and he moves his own hands to smooth down my waist until he reaches around; wrapping his large hands around my behind and tugs me against him.

I'm literally hanging here in mid air, with my legs clung tight around him; feeling like I could float and fall at the same time.

My hands slip from his jaw. my fingers feathering in shy motions down his neck; and Harry sighs at the faint contact while he deepens the kiss, breathing heavier and holding me tighter against him.

I drag and explore down his chest, feeling it rise and fall with his harsh breaths; and his muscles twitch and jump when I move them lower over his stomach.

I get so lost in how his mouth feels, that I don't even think about what I'm doing when I slip  my hands under the fabric of his shirt; sliding my delicate fingers up his warm skin and Harry shudders at the feeling with a sharp inhale.

His stomach is so soft, smooth and contrasted by the sparse coarse hairs that trail from his belly button, his skin prickles with goosebumps while his abdomen flexes with each unsure touch.

I go to pull my hands away, immediately second guessing myself as soon as I registered what I'm doing but harry quickly lets go of my behind and puts his hands over mine through the fabric of his shirt; shaking his head and breaking the kiss only to mumble with his lips against mine.

"No keep going, keep them there"

"Please... feels good" He licks his lower lip, before swallowing a harsh gulp and presses my palms flat against his skin; sighing and closing his eyes as he guides them up higher to explore over his chest and back down; pushing his lips forward a fraction to capture mine again and kiss me harder than he had before.

As soon as he's sure I won't tug my hands away, and start feeling my hands around his torso; taking in every crevice and dip that maps out his firm chest down to his sternum;  Harry moves one hand to take a strong grasp on the side of my jaw, sliding it until his fingers lace into the back of my hair and his thumb rests near my ear while his free hand goes behind me, lifting the back of my hoodie so he could sneak his hand underneath it.

He pauses his hand against my back, like he's waiting for my reaction and traces his fingers in soothing patterns against my bare skin; and the small action sends a ripple effect through my whole body.

It's like the more small acts of affection I get, the more my body fiends for it, craving the sensations like a dry sponge desperate to soak up any drop of water it can.

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