Disappearing partners?

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Shuichi's POV

"So uh........ Child caregiver huh?" I tried desperately to make small talk. Things were getting awkward and if I didn't start any kind of conversation I was scared I was going to be the second person to go off on my own and get murdered.

"Yeah." She said flatly. She clearly didn't want to be anywhere near me but we literally HAD to stay together and she was not making this easy.

"So um........ Your ultimate lab..... Why am I not allowed in?" I said subconsciously. She snapped her head around to look at me with the deadliest glare I had ever received.

"Because. I said so." She said through gritted teeth. Scary. I decided not to pry any further. Out of the corner of my vision something colorful caught my eye..... A bright yellow ripped piece of fabric was hastily stashed under the bottom stair of the staircase. I slowly slid it out, careful not to rip it. I examined it closer and it appeared to be spotless...... It was just a mere piece of yellow fabric.... But it was a specific shade of yellow that I could've sworn I'd seen somewhere....

"Hey Maki doesn't this look famil-" I turned around but she was gone. "MAKI! WE HAVE TO STICK TOGETHER!" I shoved the piece of fabric in my jacket pocket and tore down the hallway at top speed, looking for her anywhere she could have gone. I needed to find her and fast. But instead I found something else...

Kokichi's pov

"Hey heyyyyyy! I think I fouund somethiiiing~" I said as I picked up a tiny rusty screw and threw it at Kirumi. She immediately caught it and inspected it.

"How would this help?" She asked patiently.

"Aw you're no fun" I pouted "you weren't supposed to catch itttttt" I groaned.

"Ah well...... I'm sorry I ruined your fun." She said, clearly trying not to roll her eyes. I could really admire how much she put up with.

"Whatever. You don't even do anythinggggg." I pointed an accusing finger at her. "All you do is stand there and ask what I want you to do. I WANT YOU TO HELP ME INVESTIGATE!" I yelled in frustration.

"Of course. Thank you for the request." She began to inspect corners and shelves. We were assigned the upstairs right half of the dorms to look for anything that would be considered a weapon or clue to who did it. We were currently looking through Kaede's room, though I doubted she was the culprit. However, You could never be sure...

Kirumi seemed to be done with her thorough inspection. "Let's go to the next room now, there appears to be nothing here." She dug through the small bag of student room cards we had been given by everyone and fished out mine.

"Would it be ok if we did yours next?" She said calmly. My head snapped in her direction and I felt my face drain of color. "Haha! What a stupid idea. No we should check the rooms that DON'T belong to us? Idiot." I pretended to sneer.

"........and why is that?" She asked suspiciously. I think that's the most emotion I've ever heard her use....

"Um I don't know, maybe because we already KNOW what's in our own rooms?" I laughed, implying that this was obvious.

"Yes but I do not know what's in your room, and vice versa. It would just be safe to check." She explained calmly. "Now let's go." She opened the door and slid out, leaving me to panic. Nonononono this can't be happening! I slammed through the door and down the hallway, stopping at my door. I pulled at the handle but........

It wouldn't budge?

"KIRUMI! Kirumi open the door! I never took you for the childish tyyyppeee" I groaned loudly. Wait a second. That's right..... Kirumi isn't the childish type. At all. Where did she go if she isn't in my room? I looked at the only place she could have gone.... Down the hallway? Why would she have gone down there? Well it was worth a look..

I tore down the hallway, making sure to keep an eye out for a black dress, the light brown hair, anything...

Until my head slammed into someone's chest, sending me flying backwards. I felt a loud crack as my head hit the marble floor, hard... My vision started to go blurry... As everything started to go black I saw a familiar face.... Shuichi? "Hi.................Shuichi.............." I smiled as everything went dark.


Shuichi's pov


I stumbled down the hallway, kokichi slung over my shoulders. How did this happen? Where was Kirumi? Where was Maki? I had so many questions that couldn't be answered... I thought that picking up kokichi would be a bit of a struggle, seeing as I'm not extremely physically fit.. However, he was surprisingly light, I could feel his ribs pressing into my back.

How much does this guy eat? He's practically a skeleton...

"Mm......" I heard him mutter something in my ear but it was incomprehensible...

"What? Kokichi speak up what did you say?" I quickly slid him off my shoulders and onto the ground, propping him up against the wall. His eyes fluttered but stayed closed.

"I...sashymum......... Mmmlov........ Yoooou" He said with a long sigh as his eyes fluttered open. I smiled, completely relieved.

"Oh good! You're alive. I was worried about you..." I said quietly, surprised at my own words. He looked at me hazily as a smile slowly expanded on his face.

He grabbed my face and slammed his lips onto mine, running his fingers through my hair as he pulled me closer.

He finally broke away and looked at me for a little while. I was stunned into silence, I had no idea what to say or do, I just froze there looking at him.

"Ha........ Haha.......... You're cuuute" He giggled and tried to go in for another kiss. I snapped out of my silence and dodged him.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I yelled in confusion. He just giggled again and crawled into my lap.

What's going on!?

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