what if there was...

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Kokichi's pov
Oh god.
What was before me was... To say the least... One of the most disgusting things I had ever seen. It took all I had not to vomit and I could tell Shuichi noticed, though he chose not to say anything.

"What..... is this....?" Shuichi asked no one in particular. He also looked very close to vomiting.

"I..... Do not know. But I do know that.... Atua must have had this in mind when......" Angie couldn't finish because she looked like she was about to cry. I couldn't blame her.

"Who would..... Who would do this? Who would hurt friends?" Gonta was already crying, and again, who could blame him...

In a sudden rush people came running from all different directions. The "body discovery" Announcement must have been delayed because they all seemed to come at once, as if they had just gotten it.

"What the hell?! That's fuckin sick..." Miu looked a little paler than usual but managed to keep up her facade. "I mean come on! We know she's weak but why'd you have to take advantage of her like that. Oh speaking of taking advantage you don't think whoever did this-"

"Oh my god will you shut up for once in your damn life?" Maki glared daggers as Miu shrank back.

"Wh-whatever. I can't help it if you're jealous of my genius thinking..." She mumbled, barely loud enough to hear.

Everyone talked, some loud and obnoxious while others were quiet. I was in the middle of spitting some awful joke until I noticed one person was completely silent. Tenko.

"Ah jeez" I mumbled as I made my way over to her. I sucked at cheering people up but no one was talking to her and I couldn't help but feel a little bad for her.... Don't tell anyone I said that.

"Heyyy karate lesbian how's it hangin?" I tried to say lightheartedly but stopped in my tracks as I watched her face heat up and tears start pouring down her cheeks. In the shakiest, quietest voice I had ever heard her use, she said,

"W... W...why? She.... She didn't deserve this..... N... No.... No one did... But e... Es.. Especially not HER!" she was shaking like the temperature had gone down 50 degrees and her fists were clenched. "AND I..... I DON'T NEED SOME.... D... DEGENERATE MALE... M.. MAKING JOKES AB.... ABOUT IT! Y... YOU COULDN'T UN... UNDERSTAND!"

".........no one could. " She sank to the ground and begun sobbing. I heard the unmistakable noise of someone running up behind me and decided that... Now probably wasn't the best time to try talking to her. I slinked back to Shuichi as I listened to Kaede speak quietly and comfortingly to Tenko behind me. Good idea.... She's way better at that than me... Suddenly a half black and half white.... Teddy bear? Popped out of seemingly nowhere.

"I am SO glad someone finally got this game on the road. I mean come oooon it was taking forEVER." The toy... Walked? And spoke?

"AND JUST WHO ARE YOU?" Kaito yelled.

"Why, I'm Monokuma! The leader and coach of this killing game! In a way..."

"Yeah ok. Whatever THAT'S supposed to mean, we don't need some stuffed toy coming in here and forcing us to participate in this "Killing game" Of yours! I mean, to be honest I'm more or less GLAD you showed up just now. Because now I know that this is a fake! She's not really dead! WHERE IS SHE!?" Kaito grabbed the toy bear off of the ground and held it near his face as he continued to scream at it.

"Yknow, that's probably noot the best idea~" Monokuma said smugly.

"AND WHY NOT?" Kaito yelled again, as aggressive as ever.

"Becaause. I'm the headmaster of this school. And harming ME just happens to be against the rules. And that means that, right now, you're breaking a rule!" He chuckled. Kaito furrowed his brow.

Broken glass, Broken bones, and Broken promises {oumasai}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum