"It's between them Jess", he says. "She's really a fucking bitch!"

"Watch your words about my son Ana", Stefan retorts. "Don't you have any shame? You're mentioning your own son as a thing?"

"He's not mine!", Ana shouts. "Because of him my entire body is ruined. No one wants to cast me anymore. They say I have changed. I don't have an attractive body anymore!"

"Get the fuck out of my house Ana", Stefan hisses. "And don't you dare come back here again. I swear I'll kill you!"

I watch Stefan's face as he threatens her. He looks dead serious.

"Get the hell out Ana!", Elliot says. I didn't even realize that he's already there too.

My eyes are only on Stefan and Ana.

"Stay out of this Eliot!", Ana sneers.

"I know it was you who told the people in the fashion industry to not cast me anymore", she adds vehemently and points a finger towards him.

"You're intelligent!", Elliot shrugs. "I didn't knew you had brains in the first place?!"

"What type of friends do you have Stefan?", she snaps.

"It was my idea", Stefan smirks. "I had already told you that if you hurt my child, I would destroyed you!"

"What do you mean? I didn't harm Liam!"

"But you did abort my first child!", Stefan says angrily.

"What the fuck!", Leo murmurs from besides me.

That means I was right. She was pregnant two years ago!

"I was not ready Stefan!", she explains. "My modeling career would have been destroyed before it even started!

"And now it's already destroyed", Elliot chuckles.

Ana snaps her eyes angrily on him.

"Your old sugar daddy got bored with you in Bora Bora so that's why you're back here", Eliot keeps saying.

"Stefan, Mr Fernandez is already dead", Eliot adds. "And Ana thought the old man would write his will in her name but poor thing didn't even get anything!"

"You're nothing but a gold digger Ana!", Stefan snarls. "Get out of here! And don't you even try to come back!

I watch as Ana snaps her angry eyes around.

"She looks like a mad pig looking around", Leo says.

Her eyes drops on the mug lying on the table. I can see steaming coming from it.

My sixth sense is already telling me what she's going to do. Her eyes return on Stefan again.

Shit! Liam is in his arms! I can already sense that she's going to do what I'm thinking!

I drop my bags on the floor and run quickly towards Stefan just as she picks the mug. She throws the hot drink towards Stefan and I'm just in time to stand as a shield before him and Liam.

I squeeze my eyes shut when I feel the splash of hot coffee on my chest, face and neck.

"What the fuck Ana!", Elliot says loudly.

Stefan comes to stand in front of me instantly separating me from Ana.

"Are you okay?!", he demands worriedly with his blue eyes wide.

"Are you fuckin mad Ana!", he growls. "Eliot get her out from here"

"You bitch!", Leo snaps and marches angrily towards her. "How dare you do this to her?!"

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