Chapter 4

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"Finally, your eyes have made it's way to mine."

Jungkook's POV

I examined myself in the full body mirror smirking at how good-looking I turned out which is not really that shocking since god somehow made me too perfect for my own good.

Why am I so full of myself right now? Well, because for the first time in all those 4 years, Jimin will be the one to approach me today!!

I quickly went down the long ass stairs and to our parking lot were all my ferrari and Lamborgini are just chilling waiting for me all sparkly and shiny.

"Park, Jimin, loves, me, too~
And, we, will, marry, and, have, some, kids, of, two~"

I chanted while choosing my finest car in an 'eeni mini mo' tone  but with my improvised lyrics that I personally made which will be soon gonna come true in any moment from now.

My index finger stopped on my red flaming Lamborgini which is really one of my favorite of all. I then took my keys from our butler who bowed in respect.

"Be safe master jeon."

"I told you, you don't have to be so formal to me jin hyung." Jin raised his head, one eyebrow up.

"I have to Jungkook so that I could always get a raise from your parents. You have no idea how is it to be poor"
I just sighed in disbelief.

To be honest, I have no idea why Jin hyung applied to be our butler when he himself owns 9 restaurants along with 5 hotels and more all over the world.

And he is goddamn rich and goodlooking without trying hard which is really unfair!!

"Yep you are really 'poor' hyung. I gotta go now and I'll be safe so don't worry too much. You're starting to turn like my mom." I smiled and began to start the car as our huge gate opened up making me step down the pedal and drove off the road.

"Should I take that as a compliment?"

Jin muttered to himself watching the car fastly went away, the gate automatically closed by itself.


Upon arriving, I parked my car in the most elegant way as possible knowing that my lovely baby is watching and waiting for me to have my appearance in which I prepared personally for him.

The students are looking at my direction as I get off and maybe my handsome lamborgini where the handsome me owns.

Loud squeal and shouting of girls erupt my ears. The scene was like in a red carpet where the most handsome idol came out and was greeted with thousands of fans so as cameras flashing here and there.

"Jungkoook oppaaa!!"

" Fuck me jeon jungkook!!"

"Daaddyyy I'm yoours!!!"


I chuckled at that one different chant. Oh jikook will surely gonna be real at this very moment.

Just then a sky blue frost colored Lamborgini parked itself right besides mine in such a smooth swerve. There came out my beautiful prince wearing his usual white croptop paired with black rip jeans and black boots along with his small sling bag dangling on his right shoulder.

Oh so sexy.

Jimin eyeid me up and down as I did the same to him. He then walk towards me holding my wrist with a short pull.

"You. Me. Talk." He said with a pause in every word.

"How about You. Me. Fuck.?"

"In your disgusting dreams jeon."

"Oh babe, I bet it'll be hot."

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