"This doesn't seem right," I whispered.

Ryder nodded, looking at the cookie in his hand, "Yeah I don't like raisin cookies, they always look like they're chocolate chip."

I raised a brow, glaring at him.

"Oh. You meant him." Ryder snorted, "I thought you found him attractive."

I scoffed, "His attractiveness does not matter."

"Oh?" Ryder raised a brow, "So you agree? He is attractive?"

I grabbed a pillow from the couch and smacked Ryder's shoulder with as much force as I could muster.

Ryder chuckled sarcastically, "That really hurt me. Please don't do that again."

I gave up making a point with him and leaned back into the couch, shoving another handful of chips into my mouth.

Ryder sighed, leaning back himself, "Trust me, I agree with you. I don't see how a teenager could be of any sort of help. But what do I have to lose? Let's just wait and see."

I nodded. He was right. With his life on the line, there really wasn't much that could be any worse.

We sat in silence, occasionally locking gazes. Ryder's leg was bouncing furiously. I could tell he was getting impatient. I was too. I mean come on, how long did it take to sign a bloody contract? I ate a couple more chips, feeling my lips chapping. I stood up, stretching my legs.

"Where are you going?" Ryder asked.

"To get some water and see what the hell Flynn is doing."

Ryder nodded, "Take the gun I gave you and yell if you need help."

I sent him a soft smile, checking for the gun in my waistband, "Alright, partner."

I headed down the hall where I had seen Flynn rush into. The sound of my shoes lightly impacting the floor was all I could hear. That was until I walked past a closed door.

"Yes, I am aware that you hold power over me."

It was Flynn.

He must've been on the phone. I didn't want to eavesdrop.

I continued to walk past the door, until I heard Flynn say, "I just didn't know murder was part of the plan. I thought you just wanted me to sign the contract."


"I understand, Your Majesty. But what about your daughter? Surely she'll speak."

A pause.

"If I kill both of them, won't your wife turn on me?"

Another pause.

Flynn sighed, "Very well. Consider it done, sire."

Crap. Crap. Crap.

I crept away from the door as quietly as I could before I dashed into the room Ryder was in.

I began pacing. What were we going to do? If we left, Flynn would know and we could die. If we stayed, we could die.

We could die.

"Diana?" I heard Ryder ask.

I kept pacing. Not knowing what to think.

Ryder grabbed me by the shoulders, "Diana, you're kinda freaking me out."

I sighed, "Our plan has been compromised. My father must've figured out what my mother planned."

"What?" Ryder asked, sitting down.

A Royal RansomHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin