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"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality."

- Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen

"Where's my car?" I asked.

Ryder looked around in confusion. "I swear we parked right over here."

I nodded in agreement. We definitely had.

We had driven for another hour before Ryder needed a washroom break. We had stopped at a Starbucks. Ryder claimed he remembered drinking a Frappuccino with his mother when he was younger. I asked him about her. He told me she died when he was seven, so he didn't remember much about her, just that she loved him.

I had my wallet, the car key, my phone, half a cup of a Java Chip Frappuccino and a bag filled with bags of chips and water bottles, from a mini convenience store we had seen near Starbucks. 

We would be alright as long as we found Babe but we needed my car.

It had the file my mother had given us and our clothes. Not to mention it was our mode of transportation.

Ryder suggested that we look around a bit for the car. If we weren't able to find it in half an hour, we would call for a cab or something.

It was pretty late at night, almost eleven. That meant there were a lot of drunks and druggies out and about. 

We walked on the sidewalk of along a narrow street, looking around to for any sight of my car.

We passed by a group of men who eyed me up and down sending me suggestive looks. I looked away feeling uncomfortable. I subconsciously shifted a bit closer to Ryder. He noticed and casually wrapped an arm around my waist and glared at the men. They glared back before turning away.

I guess chivalry wasn't so dead after all.

When they were out of sight, I pulled away from Ryder, "Thanks."

"Oh, don't thank me, this is just to ensure I win our little bet."

I rolled my eyes, "And here I thought you were being a gentleman."

"That too."


We continued to walk looking around for a glimpse of my silver car. Nothing.

"I think we should call a cab or something now," I suggested, shivering slightly as a cool breeze passed us.

Ryder was about to speak when his eyes caught sight of something. I followed his gaze.

My car!

"Okay, let's get into it quickly before whoever took it gets back."

I nodded and without warning dashed towards my car. Ryder was hot on my trail. I hugged Babe dramatically. Ryder rolled his eyes, relief present on his face. I unlocked the car, in the back of my mind wondering how whoever stole my car had managed to move it.

We dropped all of our stuff into the backseat.

It was all going to be alright, we'd get out of this sketchy town soon enough.

We were about to take our seats when I noticed a group of figures behind Ryder.

"Ryder!" I whisper-yelled.

"Diana!" Ryder yelled at the same time.

We both looked over our shoulders.

We were surrounded.

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