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"Let's take a ride, out in the cold air. I know the way, why don't you go there with me?"

- Why Don't We Go There? One Direction

A half-asleep Dahlia swung the door open, glaring at me, "What the hell are you doing back here? And at this hour!"

I pushed her aside, strolling into the house, "Why hello to you too! I'm here to save your brother's ass, so please lead me to him."

"What do you mean?" Dahlia demanded, shutting the door behind her.

"I think I can get him off of the death row."

Dahlia's glare softened and she nodded saying she'd send Ryder. I took a seat on their couch, waiting.

I was not in the best of moods. I was still so confused about what had just gone down. My mother had seemed so afraid.

I had found the red door in the passageway and it led me into the courtyard. There were guards patrolling the perimeters. It had taken me a long time to get past them, they just wouldn't switch posts! My knees were stained green from kneeling in the grass for what felt like hours.

I had snuck to the back of the castle, grabbing my car, as I was instructed on the first page of the file. On the driver's chair was a set of clothes. Jeans, a long-sleeved shirt and a jean jacket. I was quick to ditch the clothing Ryder had given me and changed into my own.

I had also found a wad of cash in the dashboard and knew my mother had planned it out. There were a lot of duffle bags in the backseat too, containing who knew what, and I was sure there would be more in the trunk.

Frankly, I was surprised none of the Royal guards had noticed me leaving and heading into the village.

It was now one in the morning and to say I was tired would be the understatement of the century.

I was almost certain that Ryder would refuse the offer.

Why would he trust something that came from the Royals when it was the Royals who had ordered him to be executed in the first place?

Ryder strolled into the room. All I could see when I looked at him, was the face he had made at Town Square, I shuddered at the memory. His hair was dishevelled and his eyes were droopy. Clearly, I had disturbed his sleep. Too bad. My eyes flew to a bowl he held in his hands. Fruit Loops. This boy had his priorities straight.

"Look who it is. The actress who stars in all of my bad dreams!" Ryder greeted, false enthusiasm dripping from his words as he sat in front of me.

"Aw, you dream of me?" I flashed him a fake smile, grabbing a handful of his Fruit Loops, "That's really sad, I'm engaged, you see, a bit out of your league as well."

"Nightmares, Princess. You star in all of my nightmares," Ryder clarified, rolling his eyes and smacking away my hand.

Okay, rude. I wasn't that bad.

"I have an offer," I said.

"Yeah?" Ryder said taking a seat, wincing as his back pressed against the wood, "What's your offer?"

I poured a bunch of Fruit Loops into my mouth before speaking, "It's a way to get you off of the death row."

"Wait, are you going to pay?" Ryder asked, sitting up ever so slightly and setting his bowl aside.

I sighed, "No, the deposit of such a large sum of money out of nowhere would be very obvious and a lot of questions would be asked."

Ryder frowned, slouching back down.

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