Chapter 19

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Read authors not at the end!!! VERY IMPORTANT TO ALL READERS!!!

Ricardo's pov*

"We have to tell you something" jazmin squeezes Makaela's hand.

"What!" I say pissed because of all of what's happening at the moment.

"We quit" they both say.

"Okay. which way do you want to die? gun? knife? or bare hands?" I look at my hands.

"We can't die! you can't kill us! it says on the paper! the paper that YOU made and that WE signed!" jazmin yells.

"I guess not. I'll have too new people keep them. I know some grate workers!" I smile well I think about it.

"Just let us go!" Ricky yells.

"I have to go to the bathroom. I'm already stressing. let me just think this through" Makaela sighs and leaves to the bathroom.

Makaela's pov*

I lock the door. then I pull out my phone and call 911. I can't have Ricardo keep them as hostages, we might of, but who knows what will happen with the 'new people'. Ricardo wasn't just a kidnapper of O2L, he actually got people to kidnap half of the youtube world. well, youtubers. he said that he kidnapped Troye, Grace, Joey, Miranda, Zoella, Casper, Jim, pewdiepie, ect.

"Hello. what is your emergency?" a man answers.

"There is a kidnapper at our house and he's trying to keep boys as hostages. please come and get him" I say into the phone.

"The police are on there way" she says.

"Thank you" I smile. I end the call.

"DON'T!!" I hear jazmin yell. I run out and see Ricardo holding a gun towards Trevor well he cry's.

"RICARDO! STOP!" I yell.

"Why do you guys care if he gets killed? you guys have killed someone that compares to him so why would it matter now?" He gets ready to pull the trigger.

"He's right. I am the same as everyone else. So why do I matter?" Trevor just cry's harder then before. As soon as I hear that. Isee how hurt he is.

"whats your problem? why are you doing all of this? if its to be loved then you are ruining it. if you shoot him, you just are going to make it worse. i really thought you were a bit cool until i saw the side of these and to know that you want to keep them as hostages then you try to kill them and beat them. im serious. what the fuck is wrong with you! i dont care if you hurt me, shoot me, cause i just want to be done with you and everything you have ruined in my life. but you are the main problem. fuck you" jazmin yells.

i start hearing sirens. we are saved.

"who called the police?!" he points the gun at all of us.

"sir put the gun down" the police come in and holds guns up to ricardo.

"it was you!" ricardo shoots me in the arm.

the pain aches through me arm. i hold my arm and fall to the ground. the cops come and grab ricardo. ricardo laughs as he drops his gun. connor runs overe and helps me upp and trys to calm me down. the cops come and get me. a amulance comes and they send me in there with connor holding my hand through the whole soon as we get there everything starts fading from blood lost. i hear voices and yells but i couldnt make out what there saying. 

'"its been a month now and you havent woke up yet... please dont let go" whats he talking about? its oly been a couple minutes? havent it?

"can you just move something? anything" connor squeezes my hand.

move? hmmm well im guessing im like in a coma. so ive heard that you can twitch so you can get someones attention sooooo. let. me. just. ugh! why is this so difficult?! they make it seem so easy! okay... just simply...

"you moved your finger" i hear him. awh, if only i can see his smile right now.

"is there anything you need? well i guess i cant really get a answer so im going to guess whats been happening lately... so, ricardo is arested, jazmin is still with ricky and misses you sso much. trevor still never found a love...yet. me? very sad lately and stressed. i can hardly flim a video so ive made a choice, im leaving the O2L channel. i just need you back. kian is happy but broke up with andrea. jc found a girlfriend, her name is lia. Sam is single but hes living life smooth and fly. they said you might wake upi next week. so luckly they arent wrong. cause i need you makaela... i need you" then it all disapers.


i see all of the o2l boys and jazmin. they all have there heads down. but i cant talk yet so im going to wait till i can so i can scare them. *few minutes later* "Praying for the booty like" i whisper.

"MAKAELA!" they all jump up and hug me.

"i heard all the converstions" i hug connor.

"what are youre thoughts?" he says worried.

"you made a good choice" i smile at him. he smiles back.

i open my arms for trevor. i pratically almost start crying. "trevor i love you so much" i squeeze him.

"thank you. i love you too" he sqeezes me.

"jazmin!" i hug her.

"made me lose my mind for 6 weeks!" she hits me in the arm.

"sorry" i laugh with her.

"this is our fault. we are sorry m-" kian trys to appoligize with jc and sam.

"shut up!" i just hug them.

"i just want to be done with everything and leave!" i rub my face.

"i just noticed that we didnt even tell the doctors that you are awake" connor laughs

"cause there going to kick you all out so they can probably do some test which will probably take a half hour or 15 minutes" i laugh. " but its better to always to get it over with other the waiting" i push the button. doctors come rushing in.

"we need you guys to leave. we are going to have to do some test and she will be able to leave in about 20 minutes" the lady shoes them out.

-20 minutes later-

"now. how about we live our summer right and get out of this hospital parking lot" we all run out. i see jc has a new car and and ricky andddd kian. well i get in connors car. sam go's with kian. trevor go's with jc. and jazmin rides with ricky. we all drive off.


A/N:so this inportant. i know you guys probably love this story but im ending it. thee 20th chapter will be the last one... yep, the next chapter will be the last cause if you didnt notice how much if been slacking on this. love you all. thank you all so much for 7k+ reads. i luh youuuu. bye. <3 :)

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