Crowley x reader - Little girl (Part 1)

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Words: ~ 1020 words

Warning: homeless/scared girl, shitty parents (mentioned)

Pairing: Crowley x homeless!child!reader (nothing romantically of course)

Summary: When a little girl summons Crowley to make a deal he refuses. But then he learns that the child's homeless and generates pity.

Crowley makes his way to yet another crossroad. Even after he became the king of hell he likes to make a deal or two once in a while.

Of course most people make pretty stupid deals to get money, power or love but at least he doesn't have to deal with his incompetent subjects or the Winchesters for a few moments.

But as soon as he sees the person who summoned him he knows this deal is going to be something else entirely.

Before him stands a little girl, not older than 5 maybe 6 years with nothing more than a dirty T-shirt and a thin leggings on her body. She doesn't even wear any socks yet alone shoes. All in one she's terribly dressed, especially considering the fact it's already the middle of December.

"Are you a demon, sir?" she asks in a quiet voice. For a moment he isn't sure if she really said anything.

"Yes, I am. What do you want?"

"I want to make a deal, please," she repeats shyly, looking on the ground. What can a little child possibly want from him? A new toy? A trip to Disney land?

"I would like something to eat if it's not too much trouble." When he doesn't answer right away she adds panic-stricken. "Nothing special, I would take whatever you have."

"You want to sell your soul for something to eat?" now he's truly shocked. After all his years as a crossroad demon, no one ever wanted to sell his soul for something as ordinary as food.

"Can't you just ask your parents?"

All of the sudden the little girl seems unsure. She's holding her waist tightly and Crowley notices how much she shivers. He isn't sure whether she's afraid or cold, but probably both.

After a few moments the girl shook her head. "Please, can we make a deal, sir?"

"No, we can't," he says in a stern voice.

"Oh..." With that the little human starts to cry. "I-I understand. I'm sorry for the interruption."

With that she turns around and starts to walk away from him with trembling legs. Only now the king of hell notices how horribly thin she really is. And the first time in his life as a demon he feels bad for someone else than himself.

Before the kid can disappear in the dark Crowley jogs towards her.

"Wait. I'm bringing you home, sweetheart. It's dangerous for a little girl like you to walk around alone at night."

He's about to put his arm around her in order to lead her away from the dark crossroad but she flinches away before he's able to. He furrows his brows together in confusion as she stares at him with wide eyes, the fear clearly evident in them.

"You don't have to be afraid of me. I'll just accompany you home."

Originally, she refuses his help but demon or not he isn't heartless enough to let the girl walk home alone. Moreover, he wants to shout at her parents for letting her out at such a time without even making sure she wears a jacket or at least a pair of shoes.

During the walk she continues to eye him suspiciously. But who can blame her? He's the guy who takes the soul of humans after all. Neither of them say a word even though he has a lot of questions. He mainly asks himself why the child wanted to make such a foolish deal in the first place but he knows it's best to not press the topic any further, so he won't scare her more than he already did.

Around ten minutes later she leads him in an alley. Crowley's about to ask her where she's going but then she stops in front a big carton. She kneels down to crawl into it, hugging her knees tightly once she's in.

Immediately, realization hits him. The little girl is homeless, she's living in this alley. How couldn't he notice that before? It was more than obvious after all. That's the reason she wanted to make this deal, that's the reason she doesn't have any warm clothes and that's the reason she didn't want him to bring her home.

What happened to her to be homeless at such a young age? How long does she already live on the street? A million questions are forming in his head as he watches her little frame with concern.

"Do you live here? Shouldn't you be with your parents?" Again, her eyes widen fearfully while she's shaking her head frantically.

"Listen, you can't stay here. You will freeze or starve to death in no time."

"N-no, please don't force me to go back to them, sir. I... they... please. Why can't we just make a deal? Isn't my soul good enough for it? Please, I-I don't care living here, I'm just hungry," she starts crying again.

This time her uncontrollable sobs are breaking his heart. Shit, he didn't know he still had a heart.

"Hey, shush, everything's alright. I won't force you to go back to them," the demon tries to soothe her but she continued crying hysterically with her head laying on her knees.

"Why don't you come with me? I'm going to give a something to eat and a place to stay, sweetheart," he offers her with a generous smile. This time she is the one who furrows her brows together in confusion.

"I thought you don't want to make a deal with me. I don't have any money to pay you, I just have my soul." The sadness in her voice can't be missed. How can a little girl like her be this sad already?

"Don't worry, I neither want any money nor your soul. I just want to help. The name's Crowley by the way."

"(Y/n)... I can really come with you?" she asked unsurely, like she's scared he changes his mind any moment.

"Of course you can. I can't let you stay out here, darling."

And for the first time since their meeting he sees the little girl smile.

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