Imagine Crowley seeing you without make up for the first time

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Warning: slightly sexual references in the end

× One day Crowley realizes even after months of knowing you thanks to your relations to the Winchester brothers, he had never seen you without make up. It doesn't really bother him that you like to put on make up, in fact he really enjoys the sight of your beautiful face. Needless to say, he has already noticed the way your make up highlights your eyes without being too much or looking overdone. He just starts to wonder how you would look without it.

× He's sure you're just as attractive without make up as you are with it. So he doesn't quite understand why you put in so much time and effort to apply make up before hunts or in the morning before even coming out from your room in the bunker. In his eyes that's just a waste of time which you could spend doing more important stuff (like hanging out with him).

× You always felt insecure without make up. The dark circles around your eyes, the little skin blemishes and rednesses aren't something you want anyone to witness. It doesn't help that your crush is the freaking king of hell who could have anyone he wants. He always looks like his handsome self no matter if he's fighting or rotting in the dungeon of the Winchester brothers for weeks. In your eyes you can already hardly keep up with his handsomeness when you're wearing make up, let alone without any. Because of that you're trying your hardest to suppress your feelings for him and try to live with the fact that he's out of your league.

× You could punch yourself thinking you could sneak into the bathroom in the morning without getting seen to relieve yourself before you make yourself up. You're sure Sam and Dean are still on their hunt and as a result you have the bunker for yourself but you haven't expected your favourite demon to pay you a surprise visit.

× As soon as you see him you begin to panic and try to hide your face without him noticing but of course he doesn't miss your sudden change of character. Instead of greeting him with that adorable smile of yours you try to return to your bedroom where your makeup tools lay.

× But Crowley isn't a fool and doesn't need much time to combine your odd behaviour with the fact that you're not perfectly styled. Even though you try to hide it he senses your insecurity right away. Before you're able to turn around and hide in your room he gently grabs your wrist and asks you what's wrong.

× For a moment you consider to tell him some lie but he was always rather talented in seeing right through you. So after a moment of silence and you awkwardly avoiding to look into his eyes you tell him you don't want him or anyone for that matter to see you like this because you hate the way you look.

× Before you have the opportunity to try to flee in your room once more, he demon uses his other hand to carefully grab your chin and force you to look at him. The look in your eyes shows how anxious it makes you to get seen like this and how you would like to be anywhere else but here at the moment which makes his own eyes soften.

× "Now, what's with this look, darling? There's nothing you have to be ashamed of, you look so beautiful like this." When you just scoff at him, clearly not believing his words, he tries to convience you that you don't have to apply make up to be pretty. Crowley tells you with his thick accent how lovely you are in his opinion both inside and out but your appearance won't ever change the fact that you're a stunning woman.

× When he notices how tense and unsure you still are he tries a slightly different approach. If you don't believe his words you will just have to feel how much you affect him with your looks. He grabs your hand and slowly put it on his crotch before asking if you can feel how hard only looking at you right now makes him.

× For a few seconds your mind goes blanc and you try to process the fact that your crush just showed this kind of sexual affection towards you. Never in a million years would you have thought someone like Crowley shows interest in you but here you are.

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