Lucifer x sister!reader - My favorite

Start from the beginning

"Hello, (y/n)."

You turn your face around to face me. A huge smile crosses your face which let my heart skip a beat.

"Shh, not so loud, Lucy. He's sleeping," you giggle innocently.

Only now I see the little rabbit sitting on your lap. Smiling, I shake my head while approaching you. You always had a weak spot for animals, it's just adorable. If it was possible you would adopt all of them.

Silently, I sit beside you, my arm casually finds his way around your shoulder. It's something so natural for us. Cuddling, holding hands, hugging each other, it's just our thing.

Thinking about it, this whole place is perfect for us. No other angel, not even Michael knows about this place. Since you first found it it's your safe haven and a few years ago you told me about this place because you wanted "to show me its beauty". To be completely honest, it makes me beyond proud that you chose only me to share this place with.

"I found this little fellow behind a bush. He hurt his leg, so I healed him," you tell me softly.

"He's lucky you found him, (y/n). You definitely are the most good-hearted angel father has ever created."

Again you're giggling. In these moments you look so perfect. Screw that, you always look perfect in my eyes. The shining in your eyes when you laugh over the smallest things, the way you bite your lips when you're nervous, I mean how can someone not love you?

Sometimes I really hate father for doing this to me. Why do I have to have feelings for you? My pure, little baby sister. But no matter how hard I try I can't stifle my feelings for you. It physical hurts to have you near me all the time without being able to suppress these feelings, to touch how I want, kiss you how I want. And shit, I do want to kiss you so bad.

And I can't stop these fantasies I have with you. There is no other being I want to call mine and the thought about you with someone else gives me the urge to punch a wall. No one is allowed to touch you but me.

But there is no way I will ever be able to suppress these feelings. It's impossible that you feel the same. You're too innocent and commendable to want a relationship with your own brother and I would never impose you to return my feelings.

"Luci, what's wrong? Did something happen with Michael? I can talk to him if you want me to. It's mean from him to shout at you all the time."

Another thing I love about you, no matter what you always know when something upset me.

"Don't worry. Michael is indeed rather annoying but it's nothing I can't handle, my dear little sister. I'm fine."

"No, you're not fine, Luci. You do know I can see it in your face when something's wrong, don't you?"

I really want to tell you I'm alright but I could never lie to you. No matter what I try you always see right through me. It's like you have a sixth sense for this.

"It's nothing, just... there's an angel. She's kind and beautiful but there is no way she will ever be interested in me."


You're silent for a minute or two and for a moment I'm afraid you know about whom I'm talking about.

"Did you told her about your feelings?"

"No, she would be disgusted by me."

"Why would she be disgusted? She should be honored that you fell in love with her."

Again, I begin to smile but this time it's a sad one.

"She's out of my league, little girl. Furthermore, father wouldn't approve the bond. Even if I told her, she doesn't feel the same and our...friendship wouldn't be the same anymore. I can't lose you."

With that you fully turn to me, your brows furrow in confusion.

"Why would you lose me?"


"You said you couldn't lose me," you state.

Shit. For the first time ever I'm not able to interpret your look. Normally, you have this sweet, innocent puppy eyes but now they're just... indescribable.

"Did I?" I asked hesitantly and start laughing nervously. Wow, I just want to punch myself. Now you will definitely know something's wrong. You can read me like a book anyway but in this case it's easy for everyone to notice I'm lying.

"Yeah, you did, Luci."

Your voice is tentatively, your look still confused. My hands start to sweat like crazy. Oh father, since when can an archangel sweat?!

"Luci...," you start in a quite voice, "Michael once told me to stay away from you because he thinks you have unsuitable feelings for me. I didn't really understand what he meant by that. Do you have feelings for me?"

I want to deny it and tell you how wrong Michael is but no matter how loud my mind screams at me I can only nod.

How is it possible to fuck up like that? I had everything I ever wanted. A loving sibling who understand and support me like no one else ever had. Someone I could tell all of my problems and struggles without fearing to get convicted. Well, at least nearly all of my problems.

But now I can't even look you in the eyes. You're the most important person in my life and now I will lose you forever because of my disgusting feelings for you.

"(Y/n), you don't have to say anything. You can't believe how ashamed I am to have these feelings. I know how fucked up and wrong that is and I promise I will let you be from now on."

It's obvious that we will never be the same. You will tell Michael and Michael will tell everyone else, including father. He will probably banish me for this. Then I won't ever see you again. Alone the thought let tears well up in my eyes.

I'm about to stand up and leave you alone when you grab my arm.

"Don't you want to know what I think about it?"

The question isn't what I expected. Finally I'm brave enough to return you view unsurely. But I can't find the hatred and loathing I expected.

"I don't think your feelings are disgusting. I have the same feelings, Luci and unlike you I'm not ashamed of them," you smiled softly. Your cheeks turn bright red while you're talking and it's the cutest sight I was ever able to witness.

"You... what? (Y/n) you don't have to say that. I would never demand you to return the feelings I have for—"

But fortunately, you interrupt me by caressing my face in your soft, tiny hands. "I know you don't demand anything. But you always were my favorite and I love you with all my heart."

With that I can't stop myself anymore. Finally, after all these years of admiring you, I lean in to kiss you.

And the kiss is better than I've ever imagined. After all these years it finally happens. No matter how often I fantasized about this exact moment I never thought it would be THIS good. I wish this kiss would never end and I can't stop myself from hugging you tightly during it in fear you will disappear any moment if I don't.

After an eternity we forced ourselves to break the kiss and both of us can't stop smiling like idiots from the happiness we're feeling.

"You sure you want that, my little girl. We can never tell anyone about this."

"I don't care. I want you, Luci. Now and forever."

"Now and forever," I repeat before kissing you once more.

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