The Bleeding Boy

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oh, bleeding boy
lost in man's warring field
where were you headed that day?
kinetic projectiles brush your sunken cheeks
sweet crimson gush from your lesions
crippled by shrapnels embedded on legs
burrowing deep and soon will become lingering scars
ugly marks that would tell a story
caught between humanity's folly
dumbfounded at murdering discrepancies
so young, you've seen all wars
right before your bloodshot eyes
shell shocked from serenading gunfires
and thermonuclear warheads
weapon of mass destruction for a reason
a direct hit would surely vaporize biological beings
if not, there's slow death from torturous radiation
still living but rotting within
gunpowder filled each lungs
your brethren drown in a waterless violence
put the gun down, puppet soldiers
though they will never hear thee
the bleeding boy spelled suicide
in the warzone with hand of blood
the horseman picked his corpse
as vultures lick their lips
oh, bleeding boy
i'm afraid that this is an abrupt end
just one in the many childhood left destroyed

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