Chapter Six

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Harry had gone straight to his boyfriend's house after school that day. He wasn't worried, because Ash's Dad wasn't going away just yet and they'd just be hanging out like they always did.

They listened to music and talked and ate pizza while watching the TV in Ashton's room for a few hours. He lived in a flat with his father, so the place was small and not entirely well looked after, but it was cozy and Harry liked spending time there. He was happy to spend time anywhere with Ash.

They were just starting on another episode of Supernatural when there was a knock on the bedroom door and Ashton's Dad stuck his head in. He was wearing a suit, which was out of the ordinary because Harry was sure he'd only ever seen a man in his work polo and black trousers at the most formal. He smiled at the two boys, and Harry was happy for his boyfriend, knowing that his father was doing so much better than he had been in the past.

"I'm leaving now," he said, straightening up his tie. "How do I look?" he asked, holding out his arms so the boys could see the black suit properly.

Harry smiled. "Like a rich man," he said with a grin, and the man laughed.

"You look great, Dad," Ash said with a smaller smile of his own.

His father smiled at the both of them. "Well, I won't be back till late. You two boys behave yourselves, alright?"

Harry felt his heart pick up a little at the prospect of what those words meant. He had thought Ash's Dad was going to be there all night, but now he knew he wasn' opened a few doors that he wasn't sure he was ready for.

He gulped and managed a weak smile and wave as his boyfriend said goodbye. He almost flinched when the front door slammed.

They were both curled up on the bed, Ashton stretched out and Harry wrapped into his side, head on his chest, both wearing Ashton's clothes and watching the TV, which was now paused.

Harry looked up at his blond haired boyfriend and smiled. "Where's he off to?" he asked.

Ashton frowned. "He said it was to do with work. Now I think there may be a woman involved," he said, chewing on his lip.

Harry pressed his own lips together in sympathy. "It might end up being a good thing," he reassures softly, and Ashton nodded.

"Yeah, maybe...I just worry. I-I don't wanna come home and find him bleeding out in the bathroom again or - or choking on his own sick or something. I can't go through that again," he mumbled, and Harry winced in concern. He had seen first hand the effect of his boyfriend's father's mental health on him.

Last time his father had attempted to end his life, Ash had locked himself away from everyone for weeks. Harry had had no choice but to wait it out and be there for him as soon as he was ready.

"I know...but those new meds are helping and right now, he seems to be doing better," he offered, careful not to accidentally say the wrong thing and make his boyfriend feel even worse.

Ashton smiled down at him. "Yeah. I just need to stop worrying. Live in the moment," he murmured, then paused and his honey eyes went all warm for a moment. "I love you," he murmured.

Harry smiled, cheeks warming up because no matter how many times he heard it, it still did weird things to his heart. "I love you too," he said softly in reply, tilting his chin up as Ash closed the space in between them, pressing their lips together.

They always made out when they were at Ash's house, he was entirely comfortable with that. All the worried of everything behind kissing disappeared momentarily beneath the feeling of their mouths moving in sync with each other.

Keep Me Safe (Sequel to Take Me Home)Where stories live. Discover now