Chapter Sixty-Three: So, This Is, Like, Terrible

Start from the beginning

"Well, Five is cleaning the bathroom and Ron is cleaning my room and his. Why don't you guys help Klaus and Vanya with the living room?"

Ben and Luther nodded and left, their voices drifting into the kitchen. Allison smiles and started to dry the dishes.

"Thank you guys for helping," Jordan said to her, adjusting his leg. "It really means a lot."

"Well, it is our fault that your house got...destroyed." Allison sighed. "And, we can't fix it all, but we can help."

She gestured to the bullet holes remaining in the wall, and Jordan shrugged. She probably wouldn't even care if she saw them.


He dipped his rag into the bucket and then sighed. "Can you get me some fresh water?" He asked, pointing to the pink liquid. Allison nodded and grabbed the bucket.


When the clock struck dinner time (six p.m.), the entire home had been scrubbed and dusted and smelled like lemons and cheap Pine Sol. All of them collapsed around the living room as Jordan called the local Hungry Bowie's and ordered three medium pizzas and a few two-liters of soda.

"Okay," Luther stood up from his position on the floor, taking a spot in the front of the room. "We need to talk about Diego."

Everyone perked up. Ron pressed his lips together and took a deep breath.

"We have to come up with a plan to save him. To get him out." Luther continued. Allison and Klaus nod in agreement from their spot on the couch.

"Five," Luther said. "You're the only one who's ever been in The Commission. You need to make up some blueprints or something for us."

Five nods. Jordan, who was currently cuddled up with the shorter boy, had a soft look in his eyes as Five adjusted them so that Jordan was left in the armchair while Five sat on the floor in front of him with the coffee table as a platform to write on. Suddenly, he seemed to realize that he didn't have any paper. With a turn of his head, he looked at Jordan and gave him a confused gaze.

"Ron, go find some paper, please?" Jordan asks. He doesn't respond, but the boy gets up and disappears into the kitchen.

"After we get whatever blueprints we can, we have to get a plan. A soundproof plan. One that has as little variables as we possibly can." Luther continued speaking even as Ron reappeared with a stack of computer paper and a pencil. It was handed to Five, who immediately started sketching something. Jordan moved himself so that his legs where flung over the side and his hand draped itself over Five's shoulder.

"Five, how long do you think you'll need?" Allison spoke up.

"At least another few hours," Five said, not looking up. "Then I should have enough done for us to figure it out."

"Okay," Luther tapped his hip, thinking of something. "The rest of us will try to find anything we can use as weapons. Then, with the blueprints Five made, we can come up a plan."

"Wait, wait—" Ron held up his hands. "Quick question. Uh, where are Jordan and I?"

Fives sketching paused as he glanced up. He looked at Luther, an unspoken word passing between them. Then, his hand drifted up to where Jordan's rested on his shoulder.

"Well," Allison hesitated. "You don't have powers."

Jordan's fingers curled around Five's.

"Logically, it would be safer for you both to stay here." Luther picked up, pressing his lips together as Ron tensed up. "It'd be difficult for you two to help."

Jordan and Five glanced at each other, and Klaus's eyes narrowed. That wasn't your typical Oh-We're-So-In-Love look. It was a We've-Got-A-Secret-That-We-Should-Share-But-Won't.

"Fine." Ron crossed his arms.

"Anyways, we need to prepare for this. We need weapons, plans, back up plans, back up back up plans, blueprints and guesses of where he's being kept, time estimates, supplies." Luther glanced over at the clock. "But first? We need pizza."


wow whatta mood 

anyways, here's like, one of the only scheduled updates of this week lol. i hope this chapter was decent, and that you have an absolutely lovely day and remember to have a little snack!!!!!!!!

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