Chapter 17 : The Party

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At the Imperial Capital itami and his men were invited to join an imperial party held by Princess Pina.

Gerhard was also welcomed as a Guest by Pina, and Gerhard loved the opportunity to get up close with the some of the imperial leaders and senators. Gerhard perhaps thought he could get an interview or two with them.

Gerhard was with The JSDF 3rd recon unit, While waiting For Itami Gerhard got a picture of the whole JSDF ere recon unit.

Gerhard asked them
" Have you seen Itami anywhere ? "

Kuribayashi responded.
" His in there, don't worry he'll be here soon. "

Just then Itami appears and the whole 3rd recon unit stood in attention, but attention and discipline soon turned into giggles and laughter as they saw Itami's outfit.

Even Gerhard couldn't help but giggle and there he took a picture of itami in said outfit. Which by  Gerhard's standards looked more strange and colorful but not in a good way. Gerhard could say that Falmart has a very colourful culture only being suppressed by the Saderan empire.

But none that less the doors opened to the dinner Party and Gerhard walked into the party grounds hosted by Pina.

Gerhard milled about taking group pictures of Saderan Senators and even getting a close up photo with a Praetorian Guard.

Gerhard sat down and ate as well he did like the cooking and the drink was more then plentiful for  all the invited guests. Gerhard even sat down and socialised even interviewed a few senators from Sadera who were impressed with Gerhard's rhetoric and merit in his speeches with them.

And it is from this encounter and interesting interviews, Gerhard got an understanding of the Saderan mind set. They believe themselves powerful and mighty as if nothing could touch there so called invisible empire.

But Gerhard to spite being civil in his talks did send out a few sarcastic comments about the Saderan ability to lead, Gerhard wasn't insulting them but he was giving them little nods and hints as to the gravity of the situation there in but of course The Senators didn't really understand what Gerhard was saying so he got away relatively unscraved.

Gerhard stood near the water and taking a few pictures of it.

Just then Princess Pina said to him " I see you've come to enjoy the party Mr. Gerhard. " she said.

Gerhard turned and smiled at the Princess " Good morning Pina. " he said " Nice party your hosting today and perfect weather too. "

" Thank you mister Gerhard. "
Princess Pina said to him
" So how was your conversation with the other senators ? "

" Oh it was just wonderful for a society of your standing I do like the people here. " Gerhard replied. " Princess may I ask you a question ? "

" Hmm, yes of course Gerhard what is it ? " She asked. Gerhard then led her to an isolated part of the party.

And Gerhard asked
" I'd just like to know something has there been any other Gates ?"
Gerhard asked Politely.

Pina thinks for a moment
" Well... Now that you mention it I've been receiving reports of another Gate. But due to the losses sustained by the Military we couldn't send anyone over. "

" If it leads to my world, don't invade it for my Kovenant isn't as merciful as the JSDF. " Gerhard said.

Pina looked at him with interest
" Ill try, your people arnt gonna be attacked. "

" It's not my Nation I'm Worried about. " Gerhard said.

" Oh, then what are you so worried about ? " She asked.

Gerhard replied
" It's the Red Scarves I'm worried about. " he said to Her. And when Pina asked what Exactly is a Red Scarf is Gerhard explained that they were a Traitor Legion of Kovenant Origin. Armed and dangerous Gerhard was nearly killed by one as a matter of fact.

Princess Pina took time to Process this Information and she nodded. Perhaps Gerhard's words had truth.

( Wiking Brothers POV. Munich )

Johann Wiking Stood there with his 2 brothers ready to cross over to the other side of the Gate.

With them was 300 Kovenant Volkssturm Vollunteer Soldiers all of whom knew Gerhard directly or Indirectly and made a community effort to fund him.

Accompanying them was 4 Ubersoldats the Space Marines of the Kovenant Imperial Army. The Ubersoldats and Volkssturm stood in attention to The Wiking Brothers.

Johann Wiking looked upon the men and Ubersoldats given to him by Reichskommisariot Evercati. Johann Wiking reminded them why they are gathered here today, for today they move to rescue a man they concidered a friend and a comrade.

Gerhard Meyer.

Just then as Johann returned to his staff car with his two brothers He heard Footsteps coming up to him. Johann Wiking turned around.

And he saw Josef Meyer, Gerhard's Brothers walk up to him and salute saying :

" Volkssturm Soldier Josef Meyer reporting ! "

Johann Wiking looked at him
" So you want to come ? "

Josef replied
" I have to find my brother, please Hauptmann let me come with you I need to Find Gerhard"

" We Will... Go get your Rifle. And  join the rank and file. " Johann Wiking said as Josef ran off and joined the rest of the Volkssturm.

Johann Wiking got on his Staff Car. Otto Wiking was ready to Drive and George Wiking was also ready. With that The Wiking Brothers marched for Falmart. To find and rescue Gerhard.

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