Chapter 29 : Your Under New Management Now.

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As Zorzal lay there dead on the floor many of the guests present were in shock and Awe at the brutal sight they had just witnessed. The Bolter rounds fired by the bolt Luger were devastating to behold.

Princess Pina on the other hand accepted Zorzal's fate. It was Prophecised and so it shall be done.

" Mein Gott, we just killed the crown Prince. " said George Wiking.

Johann Wiking replied
" I had to kill him little brother, he was about to kill Evercati. "

Otto Wiking then said.
" Well...What now Johann ? Someone has to take the thrown"

George Wiking looked at Otto
" Can't we just take over ourselves ? We could help this people be one with Pax Kovenantus "

Evercati said to him.
" Nein, the colonies we have here is more then enough to act as a stronghold. And I'd prefer to get someone else on the Saderan thrown. "

Evercati then looked at Princess Pina and then the crowd of Nobles and senators and he said
" Meine Damen und Herren, there has been a change in management and in the regime of the Saderan dictatorship. " he said jokingly. Making Gerhard and the Wikings laugh a little.

Evercati then elevated Princess Pina to the thrown and declared her " Reichskommisar of Reichskommisariot Sadera "
This was a big deal for the whole of Falmart as being a Reichskommisar is equal to being an Inquesator of the imperium of man's imperial Inquesition.

Reichskommisars can make even the most brutal of foes tremble before them. Answering only to themselves and the Ringmaster and Ringleaders who lead the Kovenant on high.

And out of Kovenant Imperial support from Evercati and with the approval of the Senate Pina was elected as the empress of the Saderan Empire. And Gerhard took another picture of this very moment.

And with Pina in the position of empress and with the Kovenant by her side, she made ready for the war with the other worldly alien bug things that threaten to consume all the hard work put into making Falmart what it is as a world.

And so the Kovenant Imperial Army and the Palantina Guard was called up for duty and the ranks of the Volkssturm swelled in the hundreads of thousands. Gerhard and Josef too returned to there postings in the Volkssturm ready to die as Kovenant citizens. In glorious battle.

Princess Pina also gathered her remaining Legions in Sadera but she knew her primitive armies wouldn't be enough to hold the Line against the alien threat and so she asked Evercati for better weaponry. Evercati didn't completely trust the Saderans and so he gave outdated weaponry such as Sten Guns with a few acceptions as he gave some of them modern Kovenant STG assault Rifles but Evercati refused Pina's idea of letting her troops anywhere near the front lines. As he didn't want his forces to get intermingled with the Saderan Legions. For surely they would be destroyed by such a foe.

Gerhard and Josef alongside a unit of Volkssturm were also at the front lines, but there was but one problem. No one knew where the second Gate even was and thus there would be no front to begin with and so the Kovenant forces came up with a solution.

The solution was that every single general direction is to be concidered a front line, therefore the Kovenant forces resorted to fortifying every single patch of land they could so as to limit the swarm like effectiveness of the Bug like foe they will soon face.

Evercati gave seperate orders to the Wiking Brothers, the order states that they are to go around Falmart and recruit as much Falmartian Volkssturm as possible. By the time the Wikings got back to Evercati they had Recruited over 20.000 Falmart Volkssturm. Not a great many of which were confident but Evercati wanted them merely as a reserve force should things get out of hand.

And in Rondel everything was going smoothly except for the fact that a killer is out for Lelei but itami was with him but thanks to Gerhard's convincing Evercati sent a contingency.

And when the aforementioned cat lady Assassin tried to so brutally Stab Lelei with a questionable plan for Assassination concidering she did it in a room filled to brim with all manner of magic users she was then shot down by a Kovenant Imperial Sniper who was waiting in the shadows. Saving Lelei's life. Killing the Assassin litteraly blowing her head off.

And in the Japanese world, thanks to Intel leeked by Gerhard and communications decrypted by Kovenant L. N. Funker Companies the Chinese plot yo seize the Gate was revealed and the Japanese were quick to make contingency plans for just such an event

However the real action shall be in Falmart.

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