Chapter 10 : Siege Of Italica Part 2

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As the attack began the bandits rained down waves of Arrows unto the defenders on the walls. The defenders tried to loose a counter volley but the arrows were deflected, blown aside by a gosh of Wind from a magic user who controlled the winds.

Soon after a messenger was sent to Princess Pina, it became apperant to Gerhard that the command and control of the Italican Militia was flawed and failed to identify the enemy threat until it was far too late.

This took Princess Pina totally by surprise. She had thought the green ones and the scholar in Brown ( Gerhard ) would be more then a tempting target. But she has severely miscalculated.

Now the Bandits began to flood into the city, Even from a Distance Gerhard already knew the Italican Militia had lost there will and command and control had effectively ceased to exist entirely. As the Italican were getting slaughtered like the butchers, using there knives to butcher the meat.

Gerhard checked his Bayonet, and he checked his ammunition.
It was all well and good he was a Volkssturm Soldier. And thus will be ready to fight street by blood shouched street if he must.

" Itami, we need to do something " Gerhard Said " Those few hundred Militiamen arnt gonna put up much of a fight. "

" Well the Princess hasn't called up for support yet. " said Itami.

" Well we gotta do something, what use are we if we just stand here ? " Gerhard Replied. " They thought this attack through, its already close to dawn and at this rate all that stands between them and the people of Italica are a few wavering militiamen and a Wooden frame. "

Itami and the team look at Gerhard. " Itami Please, I know how it sounds but if we stand here the bandits will break through and the Townsfolk will be left to die, Murdered ! "

This finnaly convinces the JSDF to act and they move out. Rory smiled and was delighted with Gerhard's proposed plan.

Gerhard was the first to drive off with Rory following Gerhard's car swiftly.

Gerhard saw the bandits they were about to Butcher anotger brave militiaman had it not been for Gerhard. He exited his car and pulled out his Luger Pistol and killed the Bandit with a single head shot.

The gunshot was enough to catch the attention of some more bandits and they charged Gerhard. But they too received bullets from Gerhard's Luger Pistol.

Gerhard holstered his Luger and he opened fire with his Rifle. Using the door of his car as Cover but each second more Italican would die from the bandits, Gerhard thought of something

Gerhard Pushed his car forward and as he advanced he killed more bandits until his Car essentially acted as a Mobile shield for Gerhard as he shot at bandits as they tried to rush him.

Then Rory came into the mix cutting down Bandit after Bandit after Bandit with Shino Kuribayashi. Also getting a fair few kills.

Then a close call as a group of Bandits were about to stab Kuribayashi. But Gerhard in a moment of swift action litteraly started his Car and ran them over. Not even a scratch on his car. He then fired his Rifle even more before engaging in Melee with Kuribayashi.

Gerhard Stabbed, and slashed Bandits with his Bayonet. And he smiled as it reminded him of his Country : The Kovenant and the  Wehrmacht fighting to liberate Munich from the recent appearance of the Ork hordes.

Even now he thought Kuribayashi and Rory were Kovenant troops standing an Ork with a Bayonets. And he remembered when the Kovenant army came to liberate there world from Orks Hands.

He remembered the Kovenant troopers as they came to liberate them ones and for all after 2 months of holding the line. He remembered when The Kovenant troops opened fired upon the orks absolutely shredding them.

Gerhard then joined Rory and Shino making the 3 of them feared by all. As they all smiled at each other.

Then the JSDF reinfircemt arrives. Gerhard was the first to greet them waving his hat in the air before putting it back on and soon after like the siege of Vienna the winged hussars came and rescued Italica.

Gerhard Cheered, and Rory got the final Kill killing the Bandit leader and leaving him a bloodied pulp on the ground.

The battle had been won.

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