Chapter 3 : Gerhard In Coda.

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As Gerhard looked around for any signs of life, and when Gerhard entered he saw a group of Villagers conversing with one another.

Gerhard noticed this place was a lively village, with children playing around chasing each other.

Men and women doing menial work for they're families, talking to one another. Gerhard smiled at the people of this place but still they eyed Gerhard for his unusual clothing and his Rifle.
Gerhard slowly walked into the village, slinging his Rifle and he made his way to a rather short man who appears to be talking with other Villagers.

Gerhard walked up to him and said : " Good morning, sorry to disturb you and your village but I need directions. "

But the Chieften of the village simply stared at Gerhard, as if not knowing what to say to him
Gerhard looked back " Are your OK sir ? You seem a bit put off. "

The Tribal Chieften then spoke in a language slightly unknown to Gerhard, and Gerhard recognised and understood what Language his speaking ; Latin a language Gerhard learned on his many trips and often used Latin to speak with some tribes slightly known to him.

Gerhard spoke in Latin :
" Can... you help me find some medical help, I have an Elf with me and she needs help. "

The Chieften asked Gerhard :
" You have an elf with you ? Sorry but we can't care for her, we have enough to worry about as is. "

" Are forest fires Common in this place ? " Gerhard asked.

" No, there not why do you ask Stranger ? " The village Chieften said.

Gerhard then showed him a picture of the devastation of the village, and the village Chief ten's eyes widen, he was amazed at such a thing existing, then curiosity turned to horror.
As he knew of what was to come next after this village.

The Cheiften said :
" Oh God, a flame dragon... "

" I'm sorry did you say Flame Dragon ? " said Gerhard.

" Yes, we have to leave ones a Flame Dragon gets a taste of Human or Elven Blood it will be back for more. " the Village Chief ten explained to Gerhard.

Gerhard then responded.
" If its really that dangerous, then maybe I can help you evacuate to a much safer place. "

" How your just a... Commoner. "
Asked the Cheiften.

" I'm a Volkssturm soldier, I have a gun and I defend you if needed I was never the type of person to leave the middle man behind. " said Gerhard.

" A Volk-s-s-turm ? Well if your gonna help us then I suppose I can accept your offer. What of the girl with you ? " said the Village Chieften, Gerhard then led him to the car where he opened the door and shows him the elf fast asleep. " Oh, and she is the only survivor of her village. That is just awful. "

" Can you care for her ? " asked Gerhard.

" No, I'm afraid not you'll have to find someone else to take care of her. " said the Chieften " Now of you'll excuse me I have to prepare for evacuation. "

" I'll go and find help, I'm sure they'res some people out there willing to help you all evacuate."
Said Gerhard, the village chief nodded, and Gerhard started the engines of his car and drive of to find some much needed help.

Along the way Gerhard found a bridge, but on the otherside of the bridge Gerhard saw a rather  strange thing something that he was not expecting. An armored convoy but they stopped the moment they saw him in his car.

Gerhard saw that they wore Green uniforms and had assault Rifles with them, Gerhard reasoned that perhaps this were this world's local Planetary Defence Force. Perhaps this soldiers in they're uniforms we're Volkssturm like him but with Camouflage.

But no. Gerhard knew he was no longer in his country, if he was he would been able to  communicate with the locals properly. And he would have seen Kovenant police already.

This was a different world from his own, Gerhard stopped the car and took his Rifle with him and slowly approached them.

One of the men in Green uniforms approached Him and started reading from a translation book but Gerhard noticed that this man was starring at his clothes and Rifle.

" Are you part of a military unit ? " askec Gerhard in English.

The Luitenant and his men we're stunned to hear him speak English, and the Luitenant who appeared to be the leader of the group was even more stunned then the rest " Oh Good, you speak English. I'm Itami... "

" Gerhard Meyers, Journalist and active Volkssturm soldier. " said Gerhard.

" Volkssturm ? " said Itami.

" Yeah, but no time for that I need your help. " said Gerhard, another Japanese soldier by the name Takeo said : " Wow, where'd you get a Rifle ? "

" Oh this ? It's Military gear, and my Rifle. " said Gerhard. " But I need your help, they'res a settlement in danger. And needs military intervention. "

Itami looks at his men, it was then that they realized the old design. But ultimately good looking deign of Gerhard's car.

Eventually however Gerhard convinced the JSDF to come with him to Coda Village and soon the evacuation would begin.

Gerhard led them to Coda and there he told them off the situation and of the supposed Flame Dragon. To which Gerhard received deep distrust from the JSDF soldiers, but Gerhard's tone and body language indicated otherwise.

And so the JSDF agreed to help get this people out of the way, much to Gerhard's delight and approval.

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