Prett · · · 16

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Prett could tell something was wrong. The way he avoided eye contact with her and how his movements were stiff. He seemed war-hardened when Tollin had flat out told her he had only been in training.

It moved like a blur, though. The wedding. The whole time, Prett gripped Tollin's arms as Meg spoke. They didn't say any vows and moved straight on to the kiss. Their lips locked, Prett literally jumping into his arms. He caught her, Prett's legs around his waist.

Prett didn't know when her sister left. They had been kissing for a long time and probably left when she thought the marriage was complete.

And then they swam, Tollin a lot faster and stronger than before he had left. They ran through the woods to Prett's house, the clearing familiar to her such as the lingering smell of cooking tapees meat.

During the months that Tollin was gone, Meg begged for Prett to get a companion or friend. Someone that Meg would assign to live at Prett's house and Meg had the perfect person. Her name was Ofra Corryn and Prett appreciated her. Ofra gave Prett company when she didn't have anybody. Mostly, when Tollin wasn't able to answer her calls.

When Prett first saw Ofra, she instantly got jealous due to the girl's same small form but much darker skin. Prett was worried that if Tollin saw her he would be drawn to the girl. She kept having to remind herself that Tollin didn't live in her Castan society and that the darkness of skin didn't matter to him.

Ofra was gone now though. Besides Meg, Ofra was the only other person who knew about Tollin and what it could mean for the Howl family. Prett was glad that Ofra didn't care. Both of her parents died tragically in the War With No Name and she was left to fend for herself. Meg told Prett a story that one of the old maids was sent to Hut's markets and found a little girl scavenging through rotten food who had made her way from the town of Helbent. It was said that she spilled everything about her troubles in hope for a place to stay safe and live. Ever since then, she was prepped to be the next queen's handmaiden.

Prett didn't know if the story was completely true. After all, it was a rumor passed down from handmaiden to handmaiden from the words of Meg. Prett decided to disregard the story and treat Ofra as a friend, not a person of rumor.

"Are we alone?" Tollin asked as he entered the house behind Prett.

She turned back to him and beamed. "All alone," were her words.

Then he asked, "What are we going to do?"

"Cuddle," Prett replied, "and no talking. All we do is talk. I just want you to hold me in your arms. I miss you."

Prett hugged him and he squeezed her back. She led him to her small cot, just big enough for two, and spooned, their arms looped around one another. Prett laughed when his whiskers, which had gotten longer since he was gone, tickled her neck as did his warm breath.

They didn't talk. They didn't move. They just sat there the whole cuddling and sleeping. It was peaceful and Prett loved it.

In the morning, Tollin had to leave. He gave Prett a kiss on her forehead. She was barely able to open her eyes she was so tired. Prett moaned and thrust her hand forward, begging for him to stay. Tollin only gave her a pitied look and he was gone. 

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