Prett · · · 9

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Home was quiet. Prett had missed dinner, her parents going to bed with the sun. Still hot tapees meat sat near the fire outside of their home, Meg pacing by the front door. Prett watched her sister look up when she entered the clearing.

Prett knew what she was going to say and couldn't help but blush.

Meg smirked and walked up to her sister. She also wore yellow, though it was more gold. Heavy gold earrings hung on her ears as did a necklace laid across her shoulders.

"Were you with him again?" Meg asked, with a mischievous look in her eyes.

Prett nodded her head, blushing harder than before.

"Did you talk at all? I know you are not much of a talker."

Prett eyed her sister warily and hesitantly said, "No..."

Meg rolled her eyes. "Why not?" she exclaimed. Then more quietly, she said, "It's not going to go anywhere if you don't talk to him."

Looking off into the distance, Prett replied, "What if... I don't want it to go anywhere. I kinda like where it is right now. We seem to have an understanding."

"Who is he?" Meg blurted.

Prett creased her eyebrows together, annoyed. "I thought I wasn't going to tell you much. Certainly not that."

Meg rolled her eyes. "You'll have to tell me sometime," she begged. "I want to meet him. I want to know his name." Eyeing Prett, she added, "Do I know him? Is he from the Outskirts, because if he is, I can talk to him if he ever breaks your heart."

Crossing her arms, Prett growled. "I said, I'm not telling you. Anyway, don't you have to go out tonight, like every night."

She tried to push past Meg, but her extended arm stopped her. When Prett looked at her sister, all she saw was concern and sadness, a look she never saw from Meg.

"What's wrong?" Prett asked, setting her hands on her sister's arm.

"Please tell me who it is," Meg pleaded. "I... I... I'm gone in two days. And so are you. Only if you choose, along with Mother and Father. They chose to come, so if you don't, you'll be here all alone."

Confused, Prett looked into her sister's eyes, searching for the truth. The way the intensity clouded Meg's vision, Prett knew that Meg spoke with honesty. Meg was always honest, but only when she wasn't joking around.

"What are you talking about?" Prett asked, dumbfounded.

"I already went out on the town," Meg said quietly. Prett could tell that her sister was trying not to cry. "The king's son. He... he came to town. The Outskirts, searching for his bride. Someone his father had chosen for him by process of elimination from all eligible bachelorettes, without our knowing, through hidden cameras. They rounded us up, searching for only one of us. And then they called out my name. The had chosen me. Me, Prett. I'm leaving... to be the new queen." Meg's voice got loud, tears starting to stream down her face. When spoke again, her voice was quiet for a second time, almost sounding embarrassed. "A ball is in two days. A nice one. Prince Pon invited our family. Even though he didn't get to meet you, he wishes you will come and stay with us in Hut. He is very kind, generous. And... and he says he's sorry. Sorry that I was chosen, taken away from my life, but then again. Where was my life going anyway?" Meg tried a laugh through her tears, turning into sobs.

Prett couldn't breathe. The prince? her brain asked her. Prince Pon? No, it can't be. It can't be true. What about Tollin? I only just met him. I can't lose him now. Not now! Prett wanted to cry to herself but she had to be strong. Strong for both of them.

"How?" Prett asked even though Meg had already told her how.

Meg's reply was only the shrug of her shoulders.

"His name is Tollin," Prett blurted, her look far-off and distant.

Eyeing her, Meg tried to wipe her tears away. "What?" she asked, her voice sounding confused.

"If you're going to be living with the prince," Prett gulped, "and I don't go with you. I want you to know who I'm with. Who I'll be with. The boy you so desperately want to know."

Meg's eyes widened as she quickly wiped away the rest of her tears. "Who?" she asked. "Who is it?"

Prett sighed before she admitted, "His name is Tollin. He didn't tell me last name, but he is a Pent." Prett eyed her sister, wondering if the words she was saying were okay. Meg only gave her a respectful nod and motioned for Prett to keep going. "I have a beach," she said. "A nice beach, with a wolfa who has come to love and care for me just like you, Mother, and Father. Wolfas aren't as mean as you would think, but that's beside the point. The point is, on my little beach, I found... him. Tollin said he had been watching me from under the waves. That he could see me from his domed-in town as I swam across the bay to get to my beach. He said that he was protecting me from the peering eyes of other citizens because they could alert soldiers that I was swimming in their territory and kill me. I believed him and left. The next day, I went back. Back to Tollin, today. We didn't speak, but every time I'm not around him, I close my eyes and all I see is his handsome face. I only just met him, but... I think I'm in love."

Prett didn't look at her sister. She didn't want to see Meg's disgusted reaction. In their world, Pents and Castans didn't mix.

A soft delicate hand touched Prett's chin, pulling her face to look at Meg's own. "I understand," she said softly. "I loved someone too, but that's over now. I'll be with my prince and you be with your Pent."

A spread onto both of their faces, contagious, tears gone.

"Will you be at the ball?" Meg abruptly asked.

"I will come," Prett replied, "and come here afterward. I will visit you. Do you think our house is far enough away so Tollin can come here?"

Meg nodded. "Yes. When I am crowned Queen I can make a secret marriage for you two if that works."

Prett couldn't help but beam and hugged her sister tightly. "It works just fine."

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