Tollin · · · 3

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She wore a white dress today. And a white bathing suit. I only know because I reached the beach before she did. I watched her come in. Part of me hoped she would see me so I wouldn't have to make the first move, but I hid in the brush as she waded through the water and finally on to the shore. I saw her spot me and instantly turned away.

I didn't know what to do, so I looked away from her, set my elbows on my helmet, and closed my eyes. Only when I felt something cold and wet on my forehead did I jump in surprise when I saw what had touched me. I didn't even know how to describe it, the it being the largest animal I had ever seen.

The creature seemed interested with me. It's head twisting when mine did in the same direction. The creature's blue-yellow eyes staring into my soul with a curiosity I had never seen before. The fur on its back was huge and fluffy, dark brown and black. It looked like two animals rolled into one that I couldn't identify. I knew that if I had time for school I'd probably know what animals the creature was made out of but the fact was, I didn't.

As the creature turned away, it licked its muzzle. That was my first glimpse of its teeth. Large, mixed with white and yellow, a few of the tips were stained a deep dark red. I assumed it was blood and somehow it didn't scare me. For all my insecurities, this land creature didn't scare me as much as the monsters of my deep home. It intrigued me, so I reached out my hand to touch the large beast without hesitation. The creature leaned into me, so I could see the smile glistening in its eyes.

"Who are you?"

The girl startled me, making me fall to my back. Her voice was like a melody, but also hard compared to the harmonic voices of the girls in his village. In her white silky bathing suit, she hid behind another large beast and a third one that looked like a baby. Arms crossed, she eyed me, making me freeze on the spot not knowing what to do.

When I didn't say anything, she ordered, "Stop staring." After a long pause, she replied with, "You're kinda creeping me out."

I only gulped and mumbled, "Hi."

She grunted and stormed away. "Get off my beach," was her only reply. "Please." She took one glance at me and made her way back to her tree. The three creatures followed her, one of their tails hitting me in the face.

I scrambled to my feet and ran after her, finally snapped out of my trance. Tumbling through the sand, I fell in front of her tree and called, "I'm sorry if I scared you. I'm Tollin. Who are you?"

"I don't feel comfortable giving you my name. I don't even know you."

Looking in, I saw her sitting towards the back of the large open tree. "But I gave you mine," I argued. "The least you can do is give me yours."

"As I said, I don't know you," she grumbled. After a long pause, she added, "Fine, I'll tell you if you leave and go back to your stupid home under the waves."

Smiling I said, "Sounds good. By the way, I see you swim every day through the bay. You're a pretty good swimmer, I'll give you that. You're the only reason I came to this heat infested world anyway."

"Okay, Tollin. Didn't need to know all that, but can you go away now? My name is Prett alright because it's all I'm giving you."

I turned out of the opening of the tree trunk. I leaned against it and watched the ocean's waves roll. They smelled of salt, so I sat there and breathed it in, waiting for Prett to come out of her hiding place. The smallest creature came up to me and laid against my leg. It was warm and fuzzy, making me sigh loudly to maybe, just maybe, attract Prett's attention.

She stuck her head out of the tree, turned to me and asked, "Why are you still here?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not one to listen to rules or follow them for that matter. Which also means I might go back on my promises."

Rolling her eyes, Prett fell back into her tree. "Good to know. Now go away."

I stood up reluctantly. The little creature's soft head falling to the sand. It whined so I bent down and scratched behind the strange creature's ears. "Fine Prett. I should go home anyway. My parents are probably wondering why I never came back from the marketplace, but I'll be back. See you tomorrow."

I waited for a few seconds, to see if she would respond as I put my ear up to the side of the tree. All I heard was her mumbled response, "If I come tomorrow."

Chuckling, I jogged back over to my helmet. It clicked into place and I was off. I dove into the waves. When I was past the pressuring waves, where the sea was a little bit calmer, I looked back to see her standing on the shore. She saw me stop to look at her and stomped away, probably embarrassed even though there was no one around. So, I dove back under the waves. Only then did I see a shimmering white, silk gown, stuck on a blue piece of coral, as it moved slowly back and forth from the tide.

Smiling, I swam to the bottom of the ocean, a pressure I was used too that just felt right. I slowly, and carefully, pulled it off the coral without ripping it. Under the water, it felt like nothing. I couldn't wait to bring it home and return it to Prett tomorrow, though she probably wouldn't be happy or grateful about it.

Tomorrow, I thought. I'll see her tomorrow.

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