Tollin · · · 5

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Tomorrow was finally here. I raced to surface and at the first light of day my head burst through the water. The wolfa family greeted me nicely, the baby coming up to rub my leg. The father and mother kept their distance but seemed to give me respective nods. I still didn't know their names.

I waited for what felt like hours until I saw her dark form treading water in the distance. At first, I stood, watching. I thought she was stuck. Drowning. So I ran to the beach and waited for her screams of help.

When none came, I watched her closely. She seemed to be watching me and it felt weird. It felt as if was exposed. Naked in front of the king of Pent. I figured that this was how she probably felt when she found my spying on her on this lovely beach. I was getting a taste of my own medicine and I didn't like it.

I paced back and forth, waiting for her to come. When she didn't, I walked to her tree hole and sat in the shade next to the baby wolfa. It snuggled up next to me, putting its nose under my knee.

Prett, I thought. It was her name. Something I'd have to remember.

When I looked up again, I saw her starting to swim towards the beach. Her strokes were long and strong. I knew that if we became fast friends, we would have to go swimming together.

On the beach, Prett was gorgeous. The sun reflected off the water droplets on her dark skin. Her hair was damp with sticky salt water, its roots a deep black that gradually turned to a brown towards the tips. I was mesmerized by her misty gray eyes that seemed to look into my soul when she stared at me with her death glare. The bright yellow, silk dress she wore was dripping wet, sticking to her legs as she walked past me without another glance.

I was in love. 

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