Tollin · · · 12

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It would be easy to think about her. Prett was all I could think about.

I sat on the beach. I took off my wetsuit so I could be more comfortable in my normal clothes, running the sand through my dry hands. Tomorrow I would be leaving for Dunlarish. I wanted to scream at myself that I didn't tell Prett. She was staying behind for me and I was leaving. I felt like a traitor, but I couldn't tell her yesterday. She was so sweet and distraught that couldn't ruin her day anymore.

Out of anger, I took a handful of sand and threw it towards the ocean of Zellaphin. It didn't even make it to the water.

I jumped when something rubbed against me. It was just the baby wolfa. She looked into my eyes, latching onto them, and spoke into my mind. I probably would have been frightened and ran a half a pute down the beach if I didn't experience the same thing with Prett yesterday morning.

Hello, Tollin, a small girl's voice seemed to say.

I tried to look away, but when I did I could feel our connection break so I looked back to her.

You can't do that, she said. For us wolfas to talk we have to stay connected through the eyes. Otherwise, it doesn't work. I've seen Prett's gift in action. She doesn't have to look into the eyes of her intended target.

I nodded my head and replied, I can see that. What is your name?

Cossandra, she answered. Gentle. My parents are hospitable and chivalrous.

I pursed my lips. Farnodda and Morcandan.

Cossandra nodded her head full of fur. Where is Prett today?

Not coming, I said bluntly. She's at a ball for her sister. She'll most likely be here tomorrow.

Will you? Cossandra asked.

I shook my head. I wanted to look away, but Cossandra's electric blue eyes held me in place. No, I replied softly, not wanting to admit it to myself.

Cossandra's voice rang throughout my head. Why not?

I don't want to say it twice in one day, I admitted. Prett can tell you tomorrow. No matter how much she'll hate me, tell her I said sorry.

Cossandra growled when I pulled away. She kept trying to make eye contact with me but I wouldn't let her. I didn't want the baby wolfa to keep asking questions as I tried to figure out how I would tell Prett I was leaving.

It would have to be tonight. Tonight, at the ball, when we talked through her gift. This was the worst I could have possibly ever done to anybody. 

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