I laughed at this. "Oh please, there are many people in the organization that are better than me." It's true, my mom has been the leader of this agency before I was born. And many people here are more experienced than me.

"But none of them have been personally trained by the director or the former director." She replied, turning around and looking at the clock. "I have weapons training in 10 minutes, so I should get going. But, it was nice fighting you. Hope we can do it again sometimes." She smiled at me before turning around and walking to the exit.

"Wait," I shouted, "What's your name"

The blue eyed girl stopped in her steps and turned to look at me.

"Camille Anderson." She smiled before turning ahead and walked to the exit.

One year later

"Why are we just sitting here, grandpa", You looked up at the sky, it was getting cloudy, "It's  gonna rain and I don't really feel like getting a cold."

I really needed a break from training and stuff, so I decided to visit my old man. He was the previous director of Grey International Department of Secret Agents, or how I like to say it, GIDSA.

He was the leader for over thirty years before giving the title to my mother, when she was just twenty years old. She was very skilled for her age, and she begun her training when she was just five years old.

Even though she had a whole agency to watch over, she always made sure to make time for me.

When my dad mysteriously died when I was four, me and my mom only had each other. Whenever I needed her, she always dropped whatever she was doing and rushed to wherever I was. And every night, before tucking me in for bed, she would tell me stories about her and dad and their mission adventures.

Even though my dad is gone, I am very grateful to have my mom with me.

"Sapphire, are you okay?" Grandpa asked, his face full of worry.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry Grandpa," I told him, "Can we head back inside now?"

"Of course, I can make you some herbal tea." He smiled at me, getting up from his chair and heading inside the large cabin, I followed after.

When we got inside the cabin, Grandpa headed straight to the kitchen. And I stayed by the front door of the cabin.

In front of me, stood a side table. And on top of it were photo frames. I walked closer, picking up the frame and looking at the picture.

The picture contained my dad, his hands wrapped around my mom's waist. And my mom holding two year old me. Dad was a 'go with the flow' kind of guy. And one of the best agents.

I felt tears prickling in my eyes.

"You know, you look exactly like your father." I heard my grandpa's voice.

I smiled sadly, "I know, I get that a lot. I just wish that he...that he was here. With me. With mom."

"I know you miss him dear, and I do too." He pulled me into a hug. "He was a good man and one hell of an agent. I remember when he and Lyla were always so reckless on their missions. I swear they would've gave me a heart attack." He laughed lightly.

"Thanks Grandpa, now let's head to the kitchen. I could really use that herbal tea right now," I told him

"Heh, you don't need to tell me twice." He walked into the kitchen.

I stayed for a while longer, still holding onto the frame. A lone tear running down my cheek, "I miss you dad," I murmured.

Sapphire - 16 years old


Today is the day that I get assigned to a team.

I feel like I've been waiting for this day for ages.

The team is made up with the leader, who has to be incredibly skilled. Then the hacker, the weapons specialist, and the hand to hand combat agent.

I'm currently with my mom in the elevator, at her corporate business building. The business is basically a cover, to make sure that no one except a handful of people know that GIDSA exists.

"Let's head to the conference room, your team will be there soon," my mom spoke out when we got out of the elevator.

"They're not here yet?" I asked her, raising a brow in confusion.

I was hoping they would be there, I've been wondering who the leader of the team was gonna be. I hoped it's someone with great leadership skills cause I got none.

I opened the door of the conference room, letting my mom go in first and went in myself.

"They got stuck in the agency, but don't worry-" she glanced down at her watch- "they should be here in five minutes."

She took a seat at the chair at the head of the table, and I took the one next to her.

Not gonna lie, I felt nervous.

Would my team even like me?

What if they hate me?

Oh no, what if they all ganged up against me-

"Sapphire, don't tell me you're nervous," my mom took me out of my thoughts.

"Pssh, not at all," I let out a nervous laugh. I got up from my chair and stood near the window, looking at the view.

"It's okay to be nervous, I remember when I first met my team. I was such a nervous wreck." She chuckled lightly, remembering her days when she was assigned to her team.

Suddenly, there was a light knock on the door.

"Come in!" My mom shouted out.

A man walked in, he was dressed in a black and white suit. And behind him, were two girls and one boy.

"Miss Grey." The man took a few steps forward, lifting his hand. "The agents are here," he gestured to the three agents standing behind them.

I looked at one of the girls, her blue eyes looking so familiar to me. And that's when it hit me.

"Camille?" I questioned.

She smiled brightly "Hey Sapphire, long time no see. I'm the weapons specialist"

The girl on her left took a step forward. She had long black hair and pale green eyes. "Hi, my name is Aurora Stone. I'm the hacker specialist on the team." She lips curved into a smile.

"And I'm Mason Knight, the hand to hand combat agent." He gave a lopsided grin. Running his hand through his brown hair.

"Sapphire," my mom spoke out, getting up from her chair, "meet the team you will be leading for your future missions."




"I'm the team leader?!"

Hope you guys enjoyed the prologue. Anyways see you guys in the next chapter and thank you guys so much for reading this. ❤️


ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
The Secret Agentजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें