Chapter 7: The Noblesse and The Pureblood

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"Pardon me for eavesdropping miss, but nobody can ask my master a favor that easily without his acceptance and a valid reason to help, you highly-proclaimed beings."

Shizuka tensed at the sudden appearance of this man.

'He is human but, what is this horrible darkness lurking out of this man?'

"Whatever you purebloods are planning, I will not let my master get involved into your mess."- Frankenstein said with a dark look on his face

'My master is not what he used to be, his body is getting weaker. I shall avoid getting him to use his powers at any cost.'

"That depends on the noblesse himself, dear human. If he wants to help and protect this school, the children, he will surely not hesitate. He is the noblesse after all. The being who has always been compassionate towards humans."

And with that, the blonde haired guy left the dying woman alone without another word after she was done talking.

'May you rot in peace, pureblood woman.'

(It's 'rest' in peace, Frankie not 'rot'! welp maybe that's what he really wanted hahah! such a lovable sadistic man we have here ladies!)

"Cadis Etrama Di Raizel,"

said the pureblood prince as he walked near the noblesse who was sitting at his chair elegantly while sipping his tea. (hayai Rai! you were at the hallway a moment ago and now you're sipping tea?! gimme some hun! *he gaves me his cup of tea..* eh?! *faints )

"I have no need for an explanation."- the noblesse spoke putting down his emptied tea cup at the table.

What the noblesse said made the pureblood confused.

"Sit down." added the noblesse which made Kaname stiff a bit by how sudden Rai's words were.

Kaname then follows and sat down the chair infront of the noblesse who was crossing his legs. (I could imagine him doing that and he would be soo damn hot af!)

Before Kaname could question the noblesse, some certain peacock--as the previous lord calls him--spoke.

"Let me have the honor of telling your confused brain about what my master wants to tell you. You wouldn't mind that, would you?"- Frankenstein said while he pours another tea to his master's emptied tea cup

There was a sparkling aura around the noblesse as he sees his once emptied tea cup, was now full again.

The noblesse then took the now full tea cup and nodded towards his servant.

Gesturing him that he may speak the answers to the confused pureblood as to why he didn't need an explanation on why the pureblood killed another one of his kind, especially when purebloods are rare. (but we all know that the noblesse are the most rare of all, welp we only know two!)

The sadis--blonde haired man deeply chuckled and said,

"Will do, master."

Frankentein then looked at pureblood who was staring blankly at him.

The blonde man only smiled and said,"My master does not give a fvc-"

"Restrain yourself Frankenstein." The noblesse says as he was enjoying himself sipping his hot tea (how to become a tea?)

Frankenstein mentally slap his face as few sweatdrops form on his head.

"Fo-Forgive me my lord,"

Raizel only nodded his head, gesturing his servant to continue.

The latter faked a cough,"Now where was I? Oh, yes. The reason my master does not need your puny explanation is because, he does not care about you purebloods with your incentuous relationships and stuffs as long a you do not cause a problem towards humans and threaten the balance between humans and other beings, my master does not need to show his divine self!"

Frankenstein said with his face full of pride, the noblesse only face palmed at his servant's natural behavior.

Kaname who was listening carefully only nodded in understading and said,"Is that so? Then I shall take my leave then. Please excuse me."

The brown-haired stood up from his seat after he said his farewell, but before leaving the room he took quick at the noblesse's lips that was grazing the tea cup as the latter enjoyed the sweet warm tea entering his mouth.

But that act did not go unnoticed by the sadistic loyal servant of the noblesse.


The noblesse's servant quickly closed the door after the pureblood prince was finally out of the room.

Yet his face looked like he was about to slaughter someone who had mistook him for being an okama.

'What the actual fvcking piece of fvcking assh't was that fvcking look?!'

Okama - gay man in japanese, a drag queen.

Edited. 08.03.21

Noblesse In Vampire Knight //CrossOver//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon