3. You Gave Me The Kiss Of Life

Start from the beginning

I laughed a little but immediately reciprocated the feeling of affection. Moments like these were the ones that you will never forget.

"My dearest little sister, oh how I'm so proud of you." My only sister, Mohini, grabbed my hands and began
to spin us around as if we were two little kids on a playground.

We were turning so fastly that my graduation cap fell off, I was starting to feel a bit dizzy.

"Mohini! I feel dizzy!" I yelled. We shared a plethora
of feminine laughs. Eventually, the spinning stopped as we hugged once again. Hanging on to one another for dear life so we wouldn't tip over from the immense dizziness we felt."I love you, haya."

My lips curved into a smile as my sister said the nickname she gave me right after I was brought home. Wrapped up in a little pink cotton blanket my Mother still had till' this day. "I love you more, hini."

That was my nickname for her; we would always
call each other by our nicknames, not our real ones. You know how you have a nickname for someone, and it makes you feel more personally connected to them?

That's how it felt for my sister and me.

Suddenly, A flash of light directed my vision towards my parents.

Father held up a polaroid camera as he took a plethora of pictures. "Do some funny little poses, girls," Our father suggested as he continued to take photos.

We did as he instructed. A few funny pictures with
our tongues hung out the sides of our mouths, and our backs turned to each other as we did the cool guys' pose. After our photoshoot was over, the next person in line for many photos was my dad, then mom.

Now, we needed a group picture.

"I want us to take a picture like how we were not
long ago! You know where I was in the middle, and you all surrounded me with hugs and Love. Let's do one like that!" My family happily agreed with my suggestion. I began to look around for someone to take our family photos, not long afterward, I saw Michael.

He didn't seem to be busy at the moment, so I waved my hand around to catch his attention.

Michael must've seen my hand from his peripheral vision because he almost immediately looked back towards me. With much enthusiasm, I waved him over. He nodded and smiled before turning back towards Mr. Rodney, a very warm-hearted and
funny man.

Moments later, Michael maneuvered through the crowds of people as he made his way towards my family and me.

"Michael, my man!" My father gave him a firm handshake before pulling him into a very masculine hug, which consisted of a hug that wasn't a hug at the same time. It was hard to describe, but to keep things simple, it was brief, and hugs between two men always seemed to be short. "Hey, pops!" Michael smiled.

"When I tell you that speech was one of the best speeches I've ever heard, I truly mean it.I'm so proud of you, son."My Mother chimed in, "It was stunning Michael; I couldn't help but to cry." Mother pinched Michael's cheeks, something she's always done to him since we were little.

"Awe, Thank you so much, mamma dukes. And
thank you, pops, that means a lot to me. Abhaya helped me with it. If it weren't for her, it wouldn't've been twice as good as it is now."Michael looked towards me with a smile, making my cheeks suddenly flame up with a warm and tingly sensation.

Summer 79' | MJ FFWhere stories live. Discover now