Moving In

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ChloeB22: Gonna miss u around 😔😔😔
BMitch22: finally ur gone 🥳
BMitch22: jks, u better visit at least twice a week or else!!!!
HunterStace: proud of u bby!!!!


"Shit Em, this is all yours?" Beca gapes at all the boxes surrounding Emily's new apartment. "How did all of this fit in my house?"

After releasing her first album, Emily had decided to move out. But still remaining close to Beca and Chloe, as well as Stacie and Aubrey. After a couple of weeks, she found a spacious but small, two story apartment that she loved. The first floor was the living room and kitchen, as well as a bathroom. Upstairs was just for her bedroom and a bathroom. It was also a 10-minute drive from Beca's house and a 20-minute drive from Stacie's.

"I didn't have that much. Most of this is from home." Emily shrugs as she looks for the box labelled 'kitchen'.

"And we have to help you unpack all this?" Beca asks in disbelief as Chloe moves a box to the living room.

"Beca." Chloe looks at her with narrowed eyes.

"Right, right. Sorry." Beca grumbles and tries to move a box that is as tall as her.

Emily grins as she watches Beca struggle with one of the bedroom boxes. She sneakily takes out her phone and records the struggle. Chloe notices when she walks out of the living room and giggles. Beca frowns and spins around to find both girls watching her in amusement.

"How's it going Hobbit?" Emily laughs as Beca scowls.

"I'm trying to help you out here." Beca grumbles and finally notices Emily's phone in her hand. She narrows her eyes at the taller girl. "Emily."

"Beca." Emily smirks as she passes Beca and easily picks up the box she was struggling with. She then walks up the stairs with the box, leaving behind a laughing Chloe and a grouchy Beca.


"Why do you have so many knives?!" Beca exclaims, staring at all of the cutting knives that have been spread on the countertop.

"I'm actually not sure." Emily shrugs, staring at all of them in disbelief. "My mum packed some of these boxes."

"Well at least now, you have something to defend yourself with." Chloe grins, both brunettes gaping at her.


"I think you should do some sort of collage on the wall, with all of your photos." Chloe suggests as she and Emily stare at the blank wall above her bed.

"Like a massive heart shape?" Emily asks, visualising what it would look like in her head.

"That would be so cute!" Chloe squeals in agreement.

"Wow, thanks for helping me move this desk in the corner of the room." Beca says sarcastically from the other side of the room. Both girls turn to look at Beca, who is stuck in the corner behind the desk and both giggle in amusement.


"Damn Legacy, you did good." Stacie nods as she walks through the door. "Nice place you got."

"It's beautiful. I like what you've done so far." Aubrey agrees as she steps through the door after Stacie.

"Thank you." Emily hugs both girls as Beca and Chloe walk down the stairs. "Also, thanks for lending a hand."

"Yeah thanks. Now I don't have to do much work anymore." Beca grumbles as Stacie pulls her into her arms. "Stace! Your boobs are suffocating me!"

"Sorry not sorry." Stacie smirks as she pulls away from Beca to hug Chloe.

"Come on ladies. Let's finish up this place." Aubrey claps her hands.


"I am never going to try to be nice again!" Beca groans as she collapses on the couch in the living room. Stacie follows behind, landing right on top of Beca. "Oof! Stacie!"

"Sorry, too tired to move!"

"Stop being so dramatic. Em helped us move out. She didn't complain." Chloe chuckles as she sits on the other end of the couch.

"Yeah but that's Emily. Not me!" Beca shoves Stacie off. Stacie lands on the ground with a thud. "I'm going to sleep for a hundred years now!"

"So, you don't want to get pizza for dinner?" Emily grins as she walks down the stairs next to Bree, relieved that she finally finished unpacking. Stacie gets up off of the floor and glares at Beca who is face down on the couch.

"Pizza? Yes please! Pepperoni! Thanks Em! You're the best!" Beca says, her words muffled by one of the couch pillows. She suddenly squeaks as Stacie jumps back on top of Beca. 

Emily giggles as she looks around at her new apartment. "I really love how this has all come together! Thank you, all so much!"

"Anything for you Em. It's your first time living by yourself, so we want to make sure you'll be okay." Bree adds, rolling her eyes as she watches Beca and Stacie wrestling each other. Both trying to push each other off the couch. Chloe slowly moves off the arm of the couch and stands next to Emily and Bree to watch the two brunettes.


The time hits 2am in the morning, all five girls lay around the living room. Beca and Stacie eventually compromised and shared the couch. Aubrey sat on the other couch adjacent to Beca and Stacie, next to Chloe. Whilst Emily lay upside down on the massive bean bag on the floor.

"I'm going to miss living with you guys." Emily says, looking up at the other four girls. "I feel like it's going to be a little lonely by myself."

"Don't worry Em. The four of us live very close by. We can visit all the time and you still have the keys to both of our houses." Beca says, everyone else nodding in agreement.

"Maybe you can ask Benji to visit. Maybe stay over sometimes." Stacie smirks.

"Ooo that's a good idea." Chloe grins, nodding. Emily on the other hand, feels her face burning up.

"Uh... yeah... sure... maybe." Emily puts her hood over her head and hides her burning face.

"Aww, is Emily embarrassed?" Chloe teases.

"Nope!" Emily squeaks, trying to hide further into her hoodie. The other girls laugh for a bit before Aubrey decides to save the poor girl from embarrassment.

"What if you got a pet?" Emily's eyes widen and looks at Aubrey.

"I would love to get one. But what about work and tour?"

"Stace and I can look after it when your gone. Or even Chloe and Becs." Aubrey answers, Stacie and Chloe nodding in agreement.

"Um... Depends what it is." Beca says from the couch.

"Why Becs? You scared of something? Would you like to share?" Stacie grins, nudging the smaller girl with her foot. Beca slaps it away.

"No, nothing." Beca shakes her head.

"I'll think about it." Emily smiles.

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