Split Space

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Once the installation of components was under way, Pantheris was calm.  Not all, however, was clear.

"Cat man.  I need to speak to you.  Do you know anything about black holes?" Viper asks.

"No." Pantheris replies.

"Oooooh boy, you have a lot to learn." Viper states.

"Gravity bomb detonation detected." Shiva stated suddenly.

"Shit!" Viper retorted.

"Warning, Cercon's gravity intensifying." Shiva States.

Just then, Pantheris swore he saw a giant serpent crushing Cercon, but he blinked and it was gone.

"Cat... kid.  Your eyes are glowing." Viper observes.

"You see that?!" Pantheris exclaims.

"Bright as a couple of brake lights on a hovertruck!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Geezus, must be bright." Pantheris observes.

"I can give you an exact measurement in lums." Shiva states.

"Uh, no." Lita replies.

The gravity within Cercon continued to increase, the moon began to deform and collapse slowly into a singularity.

"Warning! Inverse gravity well forming!" Shiva would state urgently, hoping to warn the crew of the impending danger of being, well, trapped.

"And that means one thing." Viper observes.

"DANGER!  Rogue Black Hole!" Shiva blares.

"I knew it!" Viper gasps, looking at the displays.

"No way!" Pantheris roars in surprise.

"We're so screwed!" both Lita and Sarah say in unison as the ship is slowly pulled slowly toward the black hole.

"Split space!" Pantheris gasps.

"Split space." Viper confirms.

Soon everything around the ship was black, and dark.  The ship had been pulled into the black hole, and as far as they knew, there was no escape, they were trapped.

"Did nobody see the giant ass snake?!" Pantheris shouts.

"Uh... no." both Lita and Viper say in unison.

"There is a way to escape, but it requires me to see a white hole." Shiva states.

"Well shit, I don't see that, might as well get some sleep, I'm tired as hell." Pantheris says, before heading to his quarters and seeing...

"Let's plug these holes.  Holes, holes, but holes, holes, hoooooles!" one of the droids sang before having it's head knocked off by Pantheris with a well placed fist.  The head of the droid continued to sing despite being knocked off its body as it flew through a barrier membrane into space.

Pantheris then settled into his bed, laid down, and slept.

"Welcome to day 318 aboard the Veniriom." Shiva states, the lights flicking on.

"How about... fuck off." Pantheris growls angrily.

Shiva then promptly used the hydraulics in the bed to flip Pantheris onto the floor, his undergarments landing daintily next to him.

"AGH FUCK!  WHAT THE HELL GIVES, SHIVA?!" Pantheris loudly roars.

"That was coming to you whether you wanted it or not.  You're ignoring a distress beacon and quite frankly, it's pissing me off." Shiva states.

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