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Floating in space, Pantheris was running out of one thing, air, and fast.

"3 minutes air remaining." A female computerized voice sounded within Pantheris's helmet.

Shifting in and out of coherence, Pantheris was trying to keep on top of what all happened to him in the space of the last 15 minutes with the closing of the quantum gate, and the explosion of energy which happened.  Everything was a mess, the Veniriom was destroyed, and the quantum gate that was once open, was now a huge mess of junk and gigantic parts.

"Where did my life go so wrong as to rob me of almost everything?  What happened to make certain that everything I worked for has been all for naught and that I remain here alone?" Pantheris asked tearfully, knowing that it was a horrible question to ask.

"I'm sorry Pan, I do not have an answer to that.  Need I remind you that there is no return from the events that have transpired here." The computerized voice adds once again.

"Quit reminding me that you don't have an answer to even the most simple of universal problems!" Pantheris roars angrily at the computerized voice.

"Get off my digital ass, you winged piece of shit, Pan." the computerized voice states again.

Pantheris did not know why he hurt so much, he wasn't in any physical pain, no limbs were broken, he had not a single sign of medical trauma anywhere on him, but he was in extreme pain.  It was a kind of agony that he could not describe but at the same time he knew exactly what it was.  It was the shame of having everything he had built up and earned just being taken away from him in a moment.  Not only that, he also learned that the herald goddess of his people, Bastet, was, in fact, evil.

"You have no idea of the intense pain I am going through, Shiva!" Pantheris once again roars, tears coming to his eyes.

"I understand.  While I am not a real creature in the traditional sense, I still do understand." Shiva states, the crystal on Pantheris's belt buckle flashing with every syllable.

"Thanks, Shiva." Pantheris says, his sadness abating enough for him to think clearly.

"As for what happened to your oxygen supply, you are hemorrhaging oxygen due to damage in your VX-1000 suit, a piece of debris hit your tank and you are now running on what internals you have left." Shiva replies.

Pantheris would spin around and look around at the giant junkyard that presented itself to his vision, he was in deep.

"Shit." Pantheris sighs.

"You're in deep, amigo." Shiva states.

"How... How much air... do I have left?" Pantheris dared to ask.

"2 minutes oxygen available." Shiva replied flatly as always.

"Ugh, this countdown only states how long I have left to live, and how long I have for anyone else to live.  Time to search for survivors." Pantheris says.

Pantheris would unfold his wings and with a pulse of mana, he began to fly through space, looking around and making sure that it was completely desolate and lifeless, but then, one thought just echoed in Pantheris's mind.

"Warning, Oxygen usage is high.  1 minute available oxygen." Shiva stated urgently.

"Lita must be alive somewhere!" Pantheris would roar with his complete belief.

"Excuse me?" Shiva replied.

"Lita must be alive! She has to be!" Pantheris would exclaim.

"No, she is not." Shiva states sadly.

"She has to be!" Pantheris roars, once again going to tears.

The mana would drain from Pantheris's wings and he would come to a stop as he cried out, the universe hearing his cries of sadness and pain.  He looked to Shiva's digital face, sobbing.

"I'm sorry... Pantheris. She died by sacrificing herself to save the people of the planet below." Shiva stated sadly.

Pantheris would gather himself, bring the mana back to his wings and fly forth, before running out of air in his suit, and passing out...

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