Prison Colony

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Pantheris would find himself inside the prison colony, blaster in hand as he wanders into the megamax prison.

As he stepped inside, the detection nets would immediately set off the alarms, sending guards into the facility, ready to fire their weapons.

"Drop your weapon!" they demanded.

Pantheris would comply, his weapon hitting the ground with a dull thud.  The guards would cuff him and bring him into a cell, its walls stained with various substances with which he was not familiar.

As a few hours passed, he wondered if he had gotten himself into a trap.

Pantheris would check out the cell, there were a few scrawlings on the walls such as "get out" and other things of that nature.  The cell was dark, dank, and cold.  The metal sheets making up the walls were that of Tungsten, toxic to magic creatures, so Pantheris was already feeling very sick because of the environment he was in.  The food wan't helping much either, as it was designed only to keep prisoners alive, not be tasty.

Pantheris was stuck inside a prison which was unable to sustain him, and he knew this.  He had to get out, but how?

He then saw her, Bastet, walking down the hall and she turned to him.  "Bring him." she said and the guards would walk over before hauling him up.

"Ugh." Pantheris groaned.

"So you are the new key to my glory!  To my rise as the new goddess.  Good thing you are equipped with the cymanthium amplifier." Bastet observes.

"Urghfh, What... urgh... what do you want from me?" Pantheris groans.

"To become one with the other key." Bastet says.

"What?" Pantheris replies.

"You have the cymanthium amplifier on your head, you are the key to split space." Bastet says.

"So what is so special about split space?" Pantheris asks.

"Our new universe." Bastet replies.

Pantheris was slowly regaining his power after having it sapped by the tungsten, but his power was nowhere near the levels needed to take on Bastet.

"I do not know who the other key might be, but you are one of them, one of the instruments of recreation." Bastet says.

"Wait, WHAT?!" Pantheris shouts.

"Don't raise your voice at me, peon!" Bastet roars.

Pantheris would receive a slap to the back of the head, with violent force, eliciting a yelp of pain.

"AGH DAMN!" he roars in pain.

Pantheris was beginning to realize that he had been caught in a trap, an elaborate one at that, but simple to bait.

"Wait, you sent the distress beacon!  Why?" Pantheris says.

"Because I needed bait, as bait more easily draws out the creatures I am looking to catch rather than forcing them to cooperate." Bastet says with a sick sneer.

"You wanted someone who is a hero, well you got me." Pantheris says.

"And you turned out to be just the one I wanted." Bastet replies.

"No!" Pantheris shouts, realizing something horrible.

Bastet was going to end the universe, and bring about its recreation to be the supreme ruler of the universe.  This was something that Pantheris would not be able to have on his conscience.

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