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"It's like my daddy always told me. Never trust an Eskimo in a windbreaker. And he would know cuz he was in the Merchant Marines," Sketchy said as he finished his story. I don't know how long I've been walking with them but I am ready to pull my hair out. I just want to get some needle and thread and sow his mouth shut so he can stop talking.

We barely turned the corner when a group of guys with their guns came at us. "You boys lost?" one asked as he pointed his gun at us. I was about to reach for mine but 10k grabbed my hand and stopped me while Sketchy and Skeezy raised their hands in surrender. 10k shook his head at me and I sighed before we both raised our hands.

"Certainly not," Sketchy said. "Matter of fact -"

"Oh, no? Cuz either you lost or you're trespassing. Which one is it?" the guy interrupted before he and his friends raised their guns at us. Man, this is what happens when I don't follow my gut. It told me to leave them alone and look where it got me.
"Well I was not aware they had changed the property lines since the last time we came through."

"Wasn't no last time. Cuz I woulda recognized you."
"Well I've been growing my hair out." Stop talking, Sketchy.
"No. I'm pretty sure you ain't from here." He looked over at me and had a creepy grin on his face. "Specially when you got a little eye candy next to you." He slapped his partner on his arm. "Am I right, Dale?"

This Dale guy chuckled. "I'm pretty sure not." His tongue slipped out as he looked at me. "We would've remembered you." I scrunched my nose up in disgust.

"We were just on our -" Skeezy started but stopped when the blonde wearing the hat pointed the gun at him.

"How 'bout emptying them pockets first?"

Sketchy sighed as we all showed them our empty pockets. "Well, caught us on a slow day, boys," he said. "Sorry to disappoint."

"Like he said," Skeezy said.

The guy pointed his gun at him. "I said all pockets."

I gave him a look. "We don't have any other pockets."

The guy started to chuckle. "I wasn't talking about them. We know how girls have special places to keep their stashes." The guy licked his lips as his eyes trailed towards my chest.

10k and I glared at the guy. "She's not taking her shirt off," 10k sneered.

"Well, if she's got nothing to hide, then it wouldn't be a problem," the guy said. I'm about to take both pistols out and shoot all these fuckers. Two guns. Four guys. I think I can make it.

"You're crazy," 10k said as he took a step closer to the guy but Sketchy blocked him.

"I'm sorry about my friend," he said. "His woman is pregnant , you know how these things are. Two people, one night, suddenly a baby is ready to pop out." I gave Sketchy a look while I felt my eye twitch. Pregnant? Out of all the bogus lies he could ever come up with...I'm going to kick his ass if we make it out of here.

"I'm not preg-" I started but Skeezy covered my mouth before I could finish.

Sketchy continued. "Look. We got off on the wrong foot here. You obviously look like intelligent men -" I scoffed behind Skeezy's hand. "- with an eye towards progress in future generations. What if I told you today's your lucky day?"

The man grinned. "Oh, I would agree. Ain't that right, Dale?"

Dale removed his gaze from my chest. "Oh you right about that," he said.

Sketchy nodded. "You're both right. Cuz it ain't everyday you come in contact with a modern miracle." He motioned to Skeezy, who gave them a that it's me look. I rolled my eyes before I bit the mans hand. He yelled ow before releasing me. "Your maker's been smiling on you because today I offer you the most rare and precious of currencies. Everlasting life."

10k pulled me closer to him. "You ok?" he whispered.

I started spitting the taste of Skeezy out of my mouth. "I think I need to burn my lips."

I heard a gun clicking near me. "What are you talking about?" the leader said.

I rolled my eyes. "How you guys are idiots?" Sketchy and Skeezy's eyes widened. "You really are missing out on an opportunity." If they think they could tell me to lift up my shirt and not get away with it, then they're mistaken. "I guess you folks never heard of The Murphy." I shrugged before looking at Sketchy, who looked just as shocked that I'm going along with this stupid plan. "They don't want to see him, boss."

"I guess they don't," Sketchy said.

"Oh, I've heard of The Murphy all right," the man started. "Seen him even."

I raised my brow at the man. "Really? What does he look like?"

This guy started lying through his teeth."Uh, he's a taller fella."

Sketchy knew this son of a bitch was lying. "T...t...taller fella, really? Taller fella, skinny as a bean pole? Short scraggly hair? Dark blotches on his skin?" He pulled something out of his pocket. I got a better look to see it was a Wanted poster for Murphy. I wanted to laugh at the drawing cause it really looks more like Skeezy than him.

Dale looked from the poster to Skeezy, who was doing some weird pose. "Oh, it's him," he said happily. "I knew it."

"Wait a second," the leader started.

Skeezy nodded. "That's right. You've got me."

"If you're The Murphy, then let me see you levitate."
"Oh come on. Who said he could levitate?" Sketchy asked. Yeah, the closest thing to levitating Murphy's got is jumping from a building and landing in a pool of Zs. Even then he can't. "

"He can!" the guy argued.

"Not on an empty stomach," Skeezy said immediately.
"That's true?" Dale asked.

"I'll tell you what is true. He can make you immortal," Sketchy lied. I wanted to laugh and say something, but no. I'm not going to.

"What's that?" Dale asked. I swear, this guy is the definiton of stupid.

"Reset your odometer. Make you zombie proof."

"Zombie proof? Prove it," the guy challenged.

Sketchy fixed his hat. "As I said, it's no accident we're through these parts. We're wanderers. Trying to cure this wretched land of disease and sin. One bite at a time."

"What do you mean bite?" Dale asked.

"I'm glad you asked. You wanna be immortal, well old Murphy here has got to bite you. But everything comes at a price. And it looks like you got plenty to go around in that there wagon of yours." Oh, god. Now is a really good time to stop. But this is getting interesting. Sketchy motioned to their little wagon. "Maybe not.But you got to ask yourself how much is eternal life worth to you?"

The idiots still looked unsure. I rolled my eyes. Fine, I'm going to do it. I might get a good show out if it at the end because all these guys are really stupid.

"I'll show you my boobs to spice up the price," I said. I swear all the guys turned their heads and looked at me. 10k, Sketchy, Skeezy, and the idiots.

"Really?" Dale asked. I rolled my eyes before I lifted up my shirt. The guys' mouths dropped as they stared. 10k's eyes widened while his cheeks turned pink. He finally realized what he was doing and closed his eyes before turning away. "They're beautiful."

I rolled my eyes again before pulling my shirt down. "So...who's first?"


A/N: 10k saw her boobs!!!

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