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Maybe I should have gone in the back with Addy. 10k keeps glancing at me every now and then, if not him then Vasquez. I want to shoot him in the leg if he keeps giving me looks. Most of the guys here are pissing me of. Well, not Warren, Doc, or Addy. I actually enjoy their company.

"Warren!" I heard Addy yell. "Warren! We got to go. Let's pick it up!"

I looked behind me to see some blaster Zs running towards us. I felt my spine shiver as I remember that crab walking one.

"Here they come!" 10k yelled.

I cocked my rifle. "Then let them."

10k shot first. It went through the blaster's shoulder, but it just kept running. Another shot was fired. The Z didn't looked affected by it and kept going. I jumped out of my seat as a new blaster joined his friends. I heard people screaming followed by more growling. Oh, shit. Addy was completely surrounded by Zs. I had to go help her or else she's Z food. I ignored Vasquez's calls and ran towards the next car. I jumped over the hood as Addy pushed one of the Zs and climbed on the trunk. I made it in time to see one of the blaster Zs jump in with the infected refugees.

"I really hate that one," I told Addy as I leaned over the hood of the truck.

She nodded in agreement before taking my hand. Once I pulled her over, I took out one of my pistols and shot two of the regular Zs in the middle of their foreheads. Addy and I jumped down to the hood of the car. She motioned the driver to follow us or else he's going to be chow.

Then we jumped to the next car. I kept looking back to see if any Zs were following us. One blaster jumped on top of the hood before growling. Shit. Shit. Shit. I turned around and ran straight ahead. Doc told us to hurry as more Zs started to climb. One growled at us before crawling over the the next car. With my pistol raised high, I shot a Z near the front window. My eyes widen as a blaster started to climb really fast over the trucks.

"Go you guys, go, go!" Doc yelled. He patted my back. "One Shot, get out of there. Addy, I got this. I got this."

I looked back to see a blaster jumping in front of Doc. Doc shot at it, but missed. He tried again, only to find out he's out of ammo. Seriously?

I quickly took out my spare pistol. "Doc!"

I handed it to him and he fired at the blaster. The blaster fell back and flipped out of the car.

"Where'd he go?" Doc asked. "I think I got him."

I pulled him back. "Great. I'll give you a cookie. Let's go."

Doc grabbed his bag and followed Addy and me. We jumped over the hood of the next car and almost caught up with 10k and Vasquez.

"Duck!" 10k shouted at me. And that's what I did. I dove just in time for him to shoot the Z.

The truck started to rumble. I furrowed my brows as it started to slow down. Why is it slowing down?

"Hey, are we slowing down?" Addy asked.

Doc shook his head frantically. "We need to not slow down!" 10k fired again. I quickly grabbed my rifle and ran towards the hood. "What are you doing, kid?!"

"Something really stupid!" I yelled as I raised the knife end of my gun. The Z barley looked up when I rammed the blade inside his skull.

I kicked the Z to get my gun out. It fell overboard. The sounds of bones crunching made me want to cringe. Another Z came near me. I grunted as I snipped the knife deep inside its throat. I heard a growl before something collided on me. I dropped to the hood of the car as a lady Z sneered. Her teeth chattered together before she raised her head up. She brought it down, but I moved mines slightly to avoid damage. I used my hands to hold her back, but she kept squirming as she tries to attack my neck. Then I heard a gun shot. The body went limp in my arms before she was pushed off me.

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