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I don't know how long I have been swimming but my arms are killing me. I shouldn't be complaining though. It's either having sore arms or be a Z's brunch. So I've been swimming for what felt like hours. Once my feet were able to touch the ground, I started to drag my body towards the shore. I rolled on my back and breathed heavily before I turned my head. 10k laid next to me, catching his breath. I looked the other way in hopes to see someone else from the group but no was near me. I sat up and looked around. Where the hell is everyone?

10k and I got up and got a closer look down the river. Maybe they're right behind us? They shouldn't be that far.

"Doc!" 10k yelled.

I cupped my hands over my mouth. "Vasquez!"


"Addy!" I sighed when there was no response. "Murphy, you son of a bitch!" Nothing. 10k knelt down and grabbed his bandana that was floating in the water. "What now?"

10k didn't say anything. He just got up and walked towards my rifle. He picked it up and handed it to me. I held back a groan and took it back. 10k didn't say much. He turned around and started walking. Really? Our friends are missing and you still want to give me the silent treatment? Unbelievable. Is this what I get for liking the guy? Geez.

10k and I walked silently side by side for a few minutes before we came to a clearing. I rolled my eyes when we spotted Sketchy combing his hair back. This is just my luck today. 10k isn't talking to me and we find Mr. Bad Hygene.

"Where's your buddy?" 10k asked him. I rather deal with Skeezy then Sketchy.

"Curtains," Sketchy said sadly. "Saw him go down. He chose to sink while you, hot blonde, and I chose to swim." I gave Sketchy an annoyed look. This hot blonde is about to shove her foot up his ass if he keeps that up. Wait, actually no. He might enjoy that. "You know they say that drowning is actually a pretty good way to go, which I would hope for him. Even though he's a coward for leaving me in the lurch." Sketchy turned and held his arms out for me. "I think I need a hug."

I felt my hand go for my pistol. 10k stepped in front of me before I got the chance to injure Sketchy. "You see our friends?" he asked with a hint of venom in his voice.

"They were swimming west."

"And did you actually see it?" I asked with a bit of suspicion. I don't believe one word this dumbass says.

"With my own eyes." Sketchy picked up his jacket. He started walking towards me. "Nothing to do but repopulate. I'll start -"

I glared at Sketchy. I pulled my pistol out and had it under his chin. "You take another step towards me and I'll blow your fucking brains out," I sneered as my finger hovered over the trigger.

10k grabbed my wrist and gently lowered my arm. He pushed me away from Sketchy and stepping between us. Dumb bitch. Sketchy, not 10k.

"What about the blue guy?" 10k asked.

"Sunk to the bottom," Sketchy answered.

"Are you positive?"

"Oh, yeah. He's getting turned away at the pearly gates right about now."


Sketchy shook his head. "Look, man, I can't be sure. Ok?"

"Or you're lying your ass off," I sneered. Murphy might be a dick but he's like a cockroach. He always finds a way to survive.

"And why would I lie?"

"To get into my pants."

"Are you offering?" I took my pistol out again, which made Sketchy shake his head frantically while raising his hands. "Hey, either of you make fire?"

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