The truth

438 28 3


3 weeks later

Patience P.O.V

"Get up Patience, you got school. Don't be late" Ma said waking me up

I got out of bed with a little attitude 'cause honestly I don't feel like going to school.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I decided to take a bath instead of a shower. I stripped out my clothes and got in. I relaxed my body as I drifted off to sleep

I opened my eyes to see I was in the middle of nowhere laying on grass with the sun beaming in my face

"Princess" a familiar voice called out

I got up and seen my dad

"Daddy" I said excitingly

I ran to him and hugged him

"I missed you so much" he said

"I missed you too" I said while hugging him

Then out of nowhere it started to rain. My dad let go off me and started walking away

"Dad wait" I said running up to him but everytime I did he seemed to be far away but when I stopped he was right in front of me

"Dad turn around" I yelled over the thunder

He turned around but it he look angry

"Your the reason why I'm fucking dead you ungrateful brat" he said

"I'm sorry" I said

"Sorry not going to cut it. Get her" he said

I looked confused then out of nowhere Leon was running towards me. I tried to run away but he grabbed me and started choking me and I started to lose oxygen

"LE-.....LET GO O...OF ME" I yelled out

I started punching him and kicking him but it only mad him squeez tighter

"HELP...M-ME" I yelled out

"PATIENCE, OH MY GOD PATIENCE. IT WAS JUST A DREAM" my momma yelled as she tried to stop me from hitting her and yelling

I stopped and started crying in her arms

"h-he.....he was" I cried out

"Its okay, who ever it was can't hurt you anymore" she said

All I did was cry in her arms


"Can you at least tell me what the dream was about" my momma asked

I ignored her as I looked off in space.

"Okay... well you don't have to go to school today. I'm going to go to work, there's leftover spaghetti in the fridge... Okay" she said as she got up and grabbed her purse

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