"So, mind telling us?" -Jihyo-noona

"Nah, it's okay. It's better to keep it to myself." -Mina-noona

"Come on, Mina. We all here are you friends except for a certain someone who is not. But you can still tell us. If you keep it to yourself, who knows what will happen to you... It's better to tell someone so you will feel weights lifted off from your shoulders." -Jihyo-noona

"Yeah, she's right. We're here to listen to each other's problems. That's what friends are for." -Jeong-hyung

"Okay, fine...I'm just wondering why you all never act this way when talking about Sung-oppa and i..." -Mina-noona

"Oh~? Are you jealous, Mina-yah?" -Momo-noona

"Yes yes i am." -Mina-noona

"Wah, so honest..." -Dahyung

"Well, we're like that maybe because Sung-oppa is not a good guy to begin with and he already have lots of ex-girlfriends. Plus, we are enemies with him and his clan." -Jeong-hyung

"And you're totally going for the wrong guy when there's a good guy here who likes you but you don't even notice his feelings for you. I pity my brother, man..." -Dahyung

"Speaking of that, i'm still wondering who is it. Can you just tell me who? Even though it's pointless, i still want to know. I'm too curious on who is this guy." -Mina-noona

Everyone glance at me before turning back to Mina-noona.

"Mina-noona, you should recall whatever you heard about this guy and try to think who is the most suitable one after remembering what you recalled." -Chae-hyung

"Anyway, even if you figured out who, it's already too late. He already likes someone else." -Me

"How do you know that?" -Mina-noona

"He told me one. Plus, his heart is already taken by a beautiful girl." -Me

"Oooo~" -Everyone except Mina-noona and i, Sana-noona blushing

"Yah, Mina! I suggest you figure out who is this guy now while he's still here with us!" -Nayeon-noona

"Yeah! So he wouldn't try to escape from us and you!" -Jihyo-noona

"Woah...you're so mean to my brother..." -Jeong-hyung, the girls stick their tongue out to us

"He deserved it. Who tell him not to keep on trying to win Mina's heart, hmm~?" -Nayeon-noona

"Whatever." -My hyungs in unison

"Ah!" -Mina-noona, we got surprised by her sudden loud voice

"I figured it out now!" -Mina-noona

"Woah! So fast!" -My hyungs in unison

"As expected of her smart memory brain!" -Momo-noona

"Then how about you? Your brain is not smart but dumb." -Dahyung

"YAH! YOU!" -Momo-noona

"Oops. Sorry, didn't mean to say that out loud~!" -Dahyung

"Tch!" -Momo-noona, smacked Dahyung's hand

"So, Mina-noona, who is it?" -Chae-hyung, acting like he doesn't know who, the girls and my hyungs doing the same

"Wait...i have 2 in mind..."-Mina-noona

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