Chapter 19

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Tzuyu's POV

After Mina-noona went to bed, Nayeon-noona, who shared the same room as her, came out of the room and told us that she is already asleep as Jihyo-noona decided to have a meeting with all of us except for Mina-noona in the living room and it seems like Jihyo-noona don't want Mina-noona to know about this meeting we are having.

"So, what's the purpose of this meeting?" Jeong-hyung said half-coldly, half-stern and his expression is dead serious.

"Well, we all can see and tell that Tzuyu is the guy that Sana-unnie has been mentioning about just now. So, i want to ask you, Tzuyu, that what you said just now that you gave up on Minari, is that true?" Jihyo-noona said and then looked at me with seriousness in her eyes and on her expression. 

"Yeah, it's true." I said monotonously.

"If this meeting is related to Tzuyu, then you can talk to him in private. What's the point of us being here?" Jeong-hyung said in the same tone but he looks annoyed.

"I just want to ask you guys some stuff that i or the girls have been curious about." Jihyo-noona continued, not wanting to make Jeong-hyung more annoyed. 

"How can the Hwang's manage to be well-known even though they're doing this kind of things?" Jihyo-noona asked us. 

"Well, first, they own a company under the Hwang's family and the company is quite rich and a lot of people just judge the book by its covers and that's how they ended up well-known without anyone knowing what they do behind the society's back." Jeong-hyung explained.

"How did you know?" Nayeon-noona asked.

"Well, we are their enemy and also rival. We also own a company under the Chou's family and we have men that can do researches on any company we asked them to do. That's how we knew." Jeong-hyung explained again. 

"Then why didn't you tell the government or something?" -Jihyo-noona

"If we told them, they wouldn't believe a single thing and they will assume we are just telling lies. Plus, we have no proof yet. We don't have any pictures, videos or eye-witnesses to help us." -Jeong-hyung

"We can be your eye-witnesses." -Sana-noona

"No. You all never even see the bad things they did in front of you girls. The only ones who saw are us, our men and also their clan." -Jeong-hyung

"It's useless to tell the government or any organisation related to the laws." -Dahyung

"Why?" -The girls in unison

"This will only motivate the Hwang's clan to do more of those stuff they are doing. They will continue until every men of the Hwang's go to jail. And that will mark the end of our war but the peace will end when they came out of the jail. They will definitely try to revenge once they are out of the jail. So that's why it's useless." -Dahyung

"But at the same time, it can be useful too. At least they knew about the Hwang's doings and we get to have them on our side instead on theirs. So, i say we could give it a try but it's just that we have to prepare for whatever consequences that's waiting for us." -Dahyung

"But how are we going to get the proof to tell them?" -Nayeon-noona

"We should plan now before that guy gets out of the hospital." -Jeong-hyung

"Okay, how about this? I'm sure Mina-noona will do this for sure." -Dahyung

"Mina-noona go visit that guy. We don't want to put you girls in danger so you all will stay in your dorm and make sure you locked it. Don't let anyone in. One of us will send you a message telling you to open the door once we are outside your dorm door. Okay?" -Dahyung

"Okay." -The girls in unison

"Then how about you guys?" -Jihyo-noona

"Well, how about we ask our boss, Mr Tzuyu, on our plan? Hmm~?" -Dahyung and calls Yujin. Puts Yujin on speaker after explaining everything. 

*sigh* "Okay. We will ask the guys from Yujin's side to help us as well as our own men too. All of us on both sides will bring a camera, a phone with lots of storage space, a gun and two knives. As for the gun, if you are good at sniper, then go ahead and bring a sniper gun. So, bring the type of gun that you're good at. Same goes for the knives. If you're good with certain knives then bring those. 

What we are going to do is risky and dangerous. We are going to infiltrate the Hwang's company because surely that's where they done all those kind of bad stuff. 

Once we're in, we going to be careful not to get caught by anyone. We are going to take pictures and videos of what they have done.

Do you all guys get it now?" -Me

"Yep, my guys and i here have gotten it into our minds now." -Yujin from the phone

"Yeah, it's going to be interesting." -Dahyung

"Treat this seriously, hyung. This plan is risky so make sure you take this seriously." -Me

"Okay, will do that. Don't need to worry, Tzuyu. I will definitely do this seriously." -Dahyung

"Okay, that's all from me." -Me

"Bye, my bros!" -Yujin and his guys from the phone

"Bye!" -Hyungs and i unison and call hung up

"So, you are telling us to just wait for you guys to come back here?" -Nayeon-noona

"Yeah." -Us in unison

"Then what if you guys didn't come back? What are we supposed to do then?" -Nayeon-noona

"It's okay, we will come back for sure." -Jeong-hyung

"How can you be so sure that you guys can come back?" -Jihyo-noona

"What if the same thing happen like last time when Tzuyu have to be sent to the hospital?" -Jihyo-noona

"What if one of you guys end up being sent to the hospital?" -Nayeon-noona

"What are we supposed to do when that happens...?" -Jihyo-noona

"What if --" -Nayeon-noona got cut off

"Chill, you girls. We will be mindful of our safety and not get sent to the hospital. We will also make sure we all come back together safe and sound." -Jeong-hyung

"Yeah, you 2. He's right. Let's just believe and pray for them to come back safe and sound to us." -Momo-noona

"Okay, fine. When are you goin---" -Jihyo-noona got cut off

"We will go tomorrow. The faster, the better." -Me

"Okay. Make sure you guys will be safe and come back safe and sound!" -Jihyo-noona

"Okay, we will." -Us in unison


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