Chapter 26

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Today is a special day for the students who attend Riverdale High. Today there is going to be a musical. Everyone is very happy with it. Ester is going to be showing who he is right at the end. I do not want to go at all but of course, Ester is making me go. I have been staying at the farm and I miss spending time here. The farm is now being moved to the Sisters soon but nobody knows. Ester has been there for me for so long I am so grateful for him and my new life. Everyone in this place is like under his spell but he never had to do that to me. He is the only one I can trust anymore. He is the third most important person that I can trust. The other two, of course, being my babies. To be honest, though Evelyn and I have been getting along. I guess we get along when she doesn't lie to me about everything. I am now in Ester's inner circle which I am grateful for. It's almost time for us to leave to go to the stupid musical. I tried to tell Ester I wasn't feeling well but of couse, he didn't listen to me and said well you should have told me in advance you are going. Which pissed me off of course. 

After the musical, Ester stands up and starts clapping then more people began clapping who are all wearing white. Ester is staring right at the stage. Ester the farm and I soon leave without saying goodbye to everyone. When we got back I got worse. I got dizzy, and I got really pale. Ester carried me to my room and took the twins into Polly's room for the night. The farm and everyone here doesn't believe in medicine. I told Ester that I am just going to the hospital tomorrow but he said I can't go for medicine. So for both of us to win this I told Ester that we will both go together and I won't receive medicine just to see what's wrong with me. Ester eventually agreed to me and I went to sleep while Ester went to his room to sleep.

In the morning I threw up. I was just going to lay in bed all day until Ester brings me to the hospital. But no that can't happen no he made me get up and dressed come eat with everyone which I threw up later on. Now I'm in the car with Ester on our way to the hospital. The doctor took my blood and then told me just rest and the test will come back soon. 

One hour later and we finally had the blood test comes back. When the blood test came back I was so nervous. I was thinking what's going to happen? Am I going to die? But no,  I have to find something that I never wanted to hear again. That I am ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Pregnant.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Again...

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