Chapter 17

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Y/n: I left Riverdale. The Blackhood was targeting people with sins. We all have sinned but I needed to leave to protect my babies. Jason and I were talking about moving to a farm before we find our own place so I called them and they said we could come. Besides after what's happening with my mother and her having a son. She technically never told us who the father is but I know it's my dad it has to be. My dad was back in town so I went to go and see him. We had a really good conversation but then I told him I'm going to be moving to the farm because of the Blackhood. I also told my mom, Betty, Cheryl, Clifford, and everyone else that I'm leaving. Polly though has decided to come with us because she also wants to leave this town with me and we might not get along I still love Polly she is my sister for god's sake. Cheryl, to be honest, took it the hardest but I told her I will visit her and she can see the babies any time she wants to. I know I am leaving at a bad time but this is what I believe is best for both me and the twins. So we left with Polly and it took about an hour to get there and when we got there the people were so nice to me and Polly and especially the twins. We got our rooms next to each other and the kids are sleeping with me. I also made it clear to them that we will be leaving when we have our own money to get a house or an apartment. Something happened though Polly went into this spell thinking the farm is so good but it's not its a cult. 

We left the farm to go and visit the family because apparently lots of things happened when we left and most of them are not good. So Cheryl now official has a girlfriend I am sooo happy for her. Clifford is being just Clifford. Mom and Betty okay deep breath okay here we go so they found Mom's son that she abandoned. He is staying in Polly's room thank god for that I would hurt them if they let Chic stay in my room. When I got there it was so weird. Let me rephrase he was too weird. I don't trust him but just by looking at Betty I know she doesn't like him either. I will talk to her about that soon though. Also what has happened is that there was a musical at the High School and a student there Midge was murdered, there's a new Sheriff who apparently Veronica says that he works for her dad which is not good. My dad said he was done with the Serpents and that he's retiring but apparently lied and is still king of the Serpents. But back to Chip I think he is trouble like real trouble Betty and I talked and we both agreed that he is weird and we need to find a way to find proof that he isn't our brother. So we went into his room which is Polly's room too and we went and took some of his hair from his brush put it in a bag and go to the lab to test it. Our mother is saying stuff how he is our brother and that why can't you just accept it so I decided that I'm moving out and living with Cheryl and Clifford now. Also when I was gone Clifford's twin brother came to town Claudius Blossom who was away at sea's so the twin curse doesn't come upon them and kill each other. Betty though also moved out she is now living with my brother and father. Which is so unfair to but I wasn't also going to live there too many people. 

One day though my dad called me to come to the trailer with the kids because he wanted to see him so I thought nothing of it I brought the twins there but I found my dad, Jughead, Betty, and my mother. I said to them why the hell is she here? My dad said just to let her speak. So I did let her speak and all she was saying was that she is sorry and wants us to come home. Betty asked her if Chip is still living there and she said yes. At the end Betty is again living with mom, I moved out of the Blossom's and moved back with my dad so he can spend more time with the twins.  

Later though that week someone from Chic's past came to the house and in the end mom killed him. They threw away the body somewhere and mom was just scrubbing the blood away. Later on, my mom told me, Jughead, and my dad. But it was actually Betty who told Jughead and he told us. My dad took the body and destroyed it so there isn't any evidence. We are all at Pops. My dad told us that it's been done and my mother and father were actually not mad at each other and my mom thanked my dad which surprised me and dad said we take care of our own. 

So also during dad's thing that said he was retiring but he didn't Betty is also now in the gang which surprised me and I had no idea about. My mom is also a serpent which I'm not surprised at all. Chic is getting really bad. People from Greendale came to collect money apparently he didn't have. So Betty who was in the house at the time left to go and get the money. She called me and Jug and we took the Serpents and broke down the door and threatened them. They left Jug apologized about the door we broke and mom finally kicked out Chic which I'm so happy for.

The Blackhood came back and apparently, Betty called hin to get rid of Chic so now we don't know if he's alive or not. Betty and Jug are now trying to find who the Blackhood is which they can't figure out. Now both mom and Hal our over. Hal mom and Betty are all together talking about his past as Hal shows them a creepy video of him and his mother. Betty found out that Hal is the Blackhood and I was endangered because I was created of an affair that Hal believes it's my fault so I'm a sin. Hal started strangling mom and Betty hit Hal over the head with a fire poker and mom took it from her and kept hitting her with it. When we found out what happened we rushed over there. I gave mom a hug and went to hug Betty. My dad came with us and when I turn around after hugging Betty I see my parents hugging so for the first family moment I got I rushed over there and went into the hug. Also when we found out that Chic was an imposter she went to my dad and cried her soul out to him that she had his baby and that the baby was dead. This was the first true family moment I can get but deep down I knew it's not because my brother Charles is dead. Mom kept on saying how it's all Hal's fault that if he wasn't here then Charles wouldn't have died and the only thing she doesn't regret with Hal is Polly and Betty.

The Blackhood is gone but there is something else happening again. The Farm has come to town...

*Hey guys I updated a good chapter today. Hope you like the chapter. I will be starting Season three sometime this week don't worry.*

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