"He has already reminded me that fifteen years of his life was wasted because of this so don't try to use-"

"Rafe has your nephew." Caeli cut Nate off, which made the brother freeze.

"Nephew? I don't have..." Nate trailed off when he realised that Caeli's expression was still serious. "No." Nate covered his mouth with a hand. "You didn't tell me?" He asked, almost angry with Caeli, she was far too tired to bother retaliating.

"Don't feel special, Sam didn't know until two days ago." She stated quietly, her shoulders slumping before she moved towards a rock and sat down.

"Are you alright?" Sam asked her as Nate was processing what she had said, she shook her head. "They... the Order, they used water against you." Her weak smile was enough of a reply for him not to push the topic further.

"You two have a son?" Nate questioned, in disbelief as Caeli closed her eyes for a few seconds.

"Yes," Sam replied for her, which she was grateful for.

"And you expect me to believe that?" Nate asked next, Caeli looked him directly in the eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, alright Nate? I really am, but would you have believed me if I did? If I had told you, you would have tried to get me to look for him and get him back, but look at me, Nate." She held a hand up and gathered the shadows into her palm as she stood, anger in her eyes. "Do I look like mother material to you? He was better off at an orphanage."

"He's your son-"

"And I'm an assassin, when Cassius was born I was being held prisoner by the Order that raised me to be a killer and experimented on me until they got something out of it. He was safer somewhere far away from me, from any of this. I was happy with him being in an orphanage where he would be away from danger, away from people who are trying to kill us, I gave him the Morgan name to help conceal his identity because of that. And then I find out that Rafe has him..." Caeli let the shadows surrounding her hand dissipate before she got too angry. "He's in danger now, I don't know how Rafe found him, but he did and now I have no choice but to go after him."

The Drake brothers fell silent at her words. Neither had seen her so concerned over the wellbeing of another person before, she had never let her emotions show in that capacity before. That's probably what shocked them into a silence that they didn't want to break.

"Cassius Morgan?" Nate whispered after a minute, Caeli nodded. "After our mother?"

"Yes." She replied, looking to the ground. "If you're worried about an escape plan, I will go and secure one of Rafe's boats while you two start going further inland to see if we can find Libertalia before Rafe does."

"To hell, you're not doing that," Sam argued, Nate seemed like he agreed with his brother on that front.

"That's part of what you're worrying about, correct? Because we no longer have an escape plan because our boat got smashed to pieces by a much larger boat in the middle of a fucking lightning storm?" Caeli checked.

"Well yeah-"

"Then I will get us a boat so we have one, so we have a plan to get out of here if we need to." She argued, beginning to walk back towards the beach but Nate grabbed her arm.

"We aren't splitting up again, alright." He stated with an almost pleading look in his eyes.

"I'll catch up to you, it won't take me long-"

"Caeli, we are not splitting up again by choice. I know that you've taken down tens of mercenaries before by yourself, you did it just the other week but this is different. We almost died last night, and I don't know about you but I want to make sure that we are all safe at all times possible. I don't want to lose either of you, again." He stated sharply, letting her arm go. She sighed her annoyance.

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