The Storm

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Caeli stood at the base of the Avery statue, next to Sam. Nate was looking through the periscope that the statue was holding at its shoulder. Another island. More ocean to cross. A storm brewing on the horizon.

A painful feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"That must be it. Libertalia." Sam said as Nate jumped down from the statue, after explaining there was a big island in the distance.

"That's a bit optimistic, considering everything," Nate replied, and Sam looked to Caeli for a brief second.

"You know, we are the only ones here. You are allowed to feel just a little bit of excitement about this." Sam stated Caeli's stomach started hurting more. There was a severe amount of danger coming their way.

"I'll get excited when we get Alcazar's noose off your neck," Nate replied, and Caeli stared at Sam to see what his reaction was going to be. "C'mon," Nate said after they stood in silence for a moment.


"What?" Nate asked Sam, Caeli decided not to speak. It wasn't her place.

"I said okay," Sam replied.

"No, your 'okay's are never just 'okay's. It usually means the opposite of okay." Nate argued and Caeli could feel the tension building.

"Guys..." She cut off the argument before it really began, hearing something. A boat engine. She looked to the ocean behind the brothers, seeing five boats on their way towards the island.

"Is that our boy Rafe?" Nate asked and Caeli began to hear whispers in her ears.

The mercenaries. Run.

"Who the hell else?" Caeli asked, beginning to run back to the boat.

"Ah shit." She heard Nate groan behind her before they started following her back to the boat.

They ran to the boat and began heading in the direction of the island. Caeli's gut feeling continued getting worse, the storm picking up the closer they got to the island. They were a few kilometres offshore when Rafe's men caught up to them, Nate drove the boat while Caeli and Sam shot people where they could, but Caeli's hands were shaking.

"Are you alright?!" Sam asked her, seeing her pale face.

"I'm fine." She lied, realisation seemed to click in his mind at that moment.

"We're going to be fine, you will be fine." He told her, holding her hand for a brief second before the mercenaries started shooting at them again.

"Head straight for the island!" Sam shouted to Nate before Caeli got a stabbing pain in her stomach. Something big was heading for them...

A large boat appeared over a wave and took out theirs, crushing the boat to pieces and throwing them into the stormy water. As soon as Caeli hit the water her panic began to set in, she struggled to get her head above water and when she could she couldn't breathe properly.

"Sam!" She shouted once she was above water, hoping for a response. Her one fear had been of the ocean, and while she used to be able to handle it... ever since being waterboarded routinely at the Order, it had become somewhat harder to get herself to comfortably be in large bodies of water.

She didn't receive a response from anyone, but her lungs were starting too hurt with the cold and the inability to breathe.


A whisper in her ear.

Just breathe.


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