"I will be staying with whoever I choose." I reply curtly, Dylan raises an eyebrow at my attitude.

"You will do as you are told." He demands, only flaming my anger further.

"The hell I will ..." But before I can finish my sentence an explosion shakes the house, sirens blare, startling me, without realising I had stepped closer to Alex, his arms tensely holding me close.

"Too late. They're here." Dylan sighs, pulling a couple of guns from their holsters across his chest under his jacket.

"Hunters?" Alex questions, blurring into movement, pulling a drawer from his wardrobe, the drawer lined with wicked knives and handguns.

"Ya think? Get your woman to safety then join the rest of us." Before I can retort Dylan has literally vanished, spinning around I realise he's left the room, Alex is busy strapping weapons across his figure, I take a second to appreciate the fluid way he moves, before snapping back to reality as the ground shakes again, Alex is suddenly Infront of me, holding my face in his palms, his lips caress mine softly.

"Stay here, stay safe." He whispers against my lips, i decide not to argue, I'll follow the second order but not the first, I nod my agreement, watching the relief flood his expression, he kisses me softly again before vanishing in a whisper of wind. Heading straight to the weapon drawer I grab out a couple of knives, using the sports tape to tape them to my abdomen and ankles. Grabbing a couple of guns, unfamiliar with the feel of them. I've handled a couple of guns, mainly illegal guns, so I know the basics. Slotting the magazine into the gun I flick the safety off one and slip the other in the waistband of the shorts. Gunshots fill the silence in the aftermath of the explosions, padding silently from the room I head down the unfamiliar corridors, finding a staircase I start my descent, chaos sounds from outside, gunshots echo around, my heart leaps to my throat but excitement races through my veins too. A flash of purple suddenly scoops me up, setting me down in a kitchen, I whir on the purple shape to come face to face with a gorgeous woman with flowing violet hair, fangs peek from her full lips.

"Violet." I greet, the name seems to match the vampire, she smiles slightly before turning serious again.

"Go to the pantry, follow the stairs to the basement and stay there until someone comes to get you." Her eyes flick to my gun, a frown mars her features. A loud yell has Violet disappearing and I quickly follow after, outside looks like a war zone, a large hole stands where the gate once stood, a huge hgv lays dormant, smoke billowing from the grill. Bodies litter the ground, snipers positioned around the perimeter, their shots ringing through the night air, but I notice the light beginning to seep through the night haze. If the vampires are allergic to the sunlight then they're going to be in trouble, very very soon. Spurring into motion I race back through the house, launching out the back door I head to the fence, scrambling over it I almost lose a knife as I land carefully, racing along the fence I come up to the first shooter, distracted by the fight ahead of him he doesn't notice me, until I crack the butt of the gun against his head, he crumples, landing harshly. Grabbing his gun I look down the scope, finding the next shooter, aiming carefully I steady my breathing, pulling the trigger I watch the blood spurt from a wound on his shoulder, not fatal but it disarms him. Aiming again I quickly fell the other 5 snipers before I aim the scope towards the main battle, the vampires are just blurs of movement, the humans although have their numbers they don't have the speed or the coordination that the vampires do. Racing around the fence I clamber into the hgv, releasing the handbrake before jumping out as the huge vehicle starts rolling backwards, suddenly large sweaty hands grab my arms.

"Drop the gun girlie." A loud masculine voice demands, but when I don't respond straight away he twists my wrist painfully until I have no choice but to drop the gun. Slamming my head back I hear his nose crunch as I leap away, ripping a knife from my ankle as I roll, coming to a stand, facing my would be attacker.

"Walk away now or leave with more of your blood flowing." I goad, watching his angry expression as he cradles his nose, but as he goes to step towards me Alex is suddenly behind him, his black eyes colliding with mine as he sinks his fangs deep into the man's neck, I watch in morbid curiosity as the mans feeble struggles slowly cease until Alex drops his body, it crumples to the floor. Alex stalks towards me, I trip over my feet as I backpedal but he catches me, pulling me taut against his chest, his skin flushed, eyes like black holes.

"I thought I told you to stay in the room." He growls, his muscles vibrating against my frame, showing his restraint.

"I don't take orders well." Before Alex can respond a gunshot rings out, red blooms on Alexs chest as he slumps forward, his weight bringing me to the ground with him, shoving his prone body off of me I jump to my feet, clutching the gun tightly as I aim it straight towards the shooter, only for my heart to stop.

"Shea?" My voice sounds terrified, why is one of my best friends in this mess, holding a gun towards me.

"Mia? What the hell are you doing here?" Shea hisses, lowering her gun and walking towards me, her gaze flicking to Alex's body, I subtly step in the way, her eyes come back to mine.

"What are you doing Shea?"

"Why are you here?" She retorts again, hearing Alex groan I leap forward, grabbing Shea's hand and pulling her along behind me.

"We need to get out of here. They will kill you."

"I have to kill them Mia."

"Shut up and move." I command, pulling her faster, rocks dig into my bare feet as we race along, reaching the road Shea jumps towards a dark estate car, I slip into the passenger seat as Shea peels away. I can't help the knot of guilt forming in my stomach and I pray that Alex and the others are safe, I glance out the windows to see the sun peeking over the horizon, bathing the scenery in a golden glow, normally it would warm my skin but i feel like ice and i really don't know what to do. We drive for a while until we reach a run down town house on the outskirts of the town. Shea turns in her seat, cutting the engine.

"Promise me you're not going to freak out."

"I'm not promising anything Shea. What the hell is going on?"

"I'm not a bartender. I work for the Blackbloods." For a moment I can do nothing but stare stupidly at her.


"They're an organisation of humans that are irradiating vampires."

"Are you insane?" I hiss hushly, suddenly afraid of someone hearing us.

"By your reaction I think you already know vampires exist. You seemed rather protective of the blonde one." Suspicion laces her voice and I realise I'm going to have to lie my ass off if I'm going to get out of this in one piece.

"He saved me from one of the shooters. I felt obligated to help him back." The answer seems to placate her as she opens the door, stepping out into the sun she beckons me to follow.

"Come. Let's get you cleaned up. There's some friends I want you to meet." I hastily clamber out the car, racing after Shea, my heart beating in my throat, my palms getting sweaty.

"Shea.." My words are cut off when the houses door is thrown open, a large man steps out, Shea smiles fondly at him.

"Hey Mark, this is Mia, new recruit."

"Mia, as in your unofficial housemate?"

"Excuse me? She sponged off me." I joke, causing Mark to smile, shoving Shea playfully.

"Seriously Shea? You sponged off this little slip of a lady." Shea laughs, shoving him back.

"Semantics. Anyway I'm getting her to my room so she can change, she was captured by the vampires we attacked today, one of your team almost killed her. She's got inside intel that's going to help us massively." Shea grins like the cat who got the cream while my stomach drops to my toes, I won't betray Alex and the others but I'm going to have to lie convincing enough that they will believe me. I start to panic, what was a simple hit for a few extra dollars has turned into a life or death situation, if I betray Alex and his family there's a very good chance IL live, but they will all be slaughtered and I could never live with that on my conscience, time to put on the show of my life.

A Vampires Quest (COMPLETE) Where stories live. Discover now