Bringer of Death and Mercy

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Shawn POV:
I woke up and grabbed the outfit that Trenda made for me, I really like it. It was a black leather trenchcoat with a red shirt underneath. The trenchcoat had a hood that covered most of my face in shadows, plus I wore a mask that Slenda have to me. It covered the bottom half of my face, it was a simple armored plate that curved around my jawline. When I got down I asked Slenda.

Me: Hey Slenda, how do I look?

She looked over and nodded her approval.

Slenda: You look like you belong. Just don't reveal your true identity. I would rather you be able to walk in public, okay?

I nodded.

Me: Understood, by the way, could you tell Trenda that I like the outfit she made me?

Slenda just nodded. Then I walked out calling.

Me: I should be back sometime before dark!

*Timeskip because Author is lazy :P*

I walked up to my old school. I saw that not much had changed since I left, Bill seemed to be looking at me, luckily I had both mask on and hood up. He started walking up to me.

Bill: Who the hell are you?

May came up.

May: Didn't you hear the strongest guy to ever come to this school!? Answer him!

I started laughing. I laughed even more when they looked at me surprised. When I calmed down I decided to piss him off. Luckily the mask changed my voice so it couldn't be recognized.

Me: Really, because I heard that you had your ass handed to you be another guy here. That's why I came, to see the guy who got beat up by that weakling....

Bill shot back, the anger coated words clear in his voice.

Bill: That bastard is dead. So now I'm the strongest.

I looked at May.

Me: So you lied, May he isn't the strongest ever. I always knew you were a lying bitch.

May looked at me surprised, and angry.

May: Who the fuck do you think you are!? I ought to have y-

I shut her up by slicing her throat with my demon claws, her blood ran down her neck. Bill grabbed his knife.

Bill: You'll pay for killing my sister you fucking-

I used my claws and threw him as if he was nothing. When he tried to get up, even reaching for help, I walked up to him.

Me: What was it you'd say to the helpless one? Oh yes: "You think you deserve help, freak? No, you only deserve pain." Does that ring any bells? His eyes widened.

Bill: You're-

I used the dark energy I felt to make the whole school crumble. I even made sure parts fell on Bill, slowly crushing him to death. As for the others, as the very few survivors came running out, I would quickly flick my wrist, launching my claws into their skulls. Their screams we like music to me, a melody of pain that I used to hear from my own mouth.

I saw the nurse panicking especially when she saw that her building was the only one left standing. I walked up to her, she started trembling with fear. I said soothing words to try and calm her down. I lifted her face to mine, using a claw to wipe away the tear falling down her cheek.

Me: Don't worry, Nurse Lilly, I have no reason to hurt you. In fact, I'm offering you a place to stay. Accept and I'll ensure your safety. If you accept, go to the forest edge. If not, run as fast as you can.

Lilly: W-why? Why a-aren't you killing me?

I just whispered in hey ear.

Me: I know what you did for the helpless one. For that I thank you....

Lilly looked at me surprised, but nodded, she quickly gathered her things as I slaughtered the rest of the school's student body and staff before heading back to the mansion.

Lilly followed me to the forest. When we reached the edge, I grabbed her hand and teleported to the cabin the police took me to. I had already cleaned it of the blood and the bodies.

Me: You shall live here. Don't go wondering, if you need anything, then simply say "Slenda, I wish to speak with you" okay?

She nodded.

Lilly: Where will you be?

I simply responded.

Me: I will be with Slenda, most likely. If I'm not, she'll let me know that you're called. Anything else?

Lilly nodded again, before asking me.

Lilly: Who are you?

I stiffened before I spoke darkly.

Me: I'll tell you when I'm sure that you won't alert anyone of who I am and where I'm at....

She seemed to noticed that she struck a nerve.

Lilly: O-okay, just don't hurt me...

I nodded before heading off to the mansion, after all the sun was starting to get set, and I needed to let Slenda know about Lilly. I kinda forgot to tell her my whole plan......

*Timeskip brought to you by an incredibly lazy author*

Slenda looked at me dumbfounded, and possibly a little angry.

Slenda: YOU DID WHAT!?

Scratch that, she was extremely angry.

Me: I kind of.... Left a human alive in my slaughter. I only did it cause she was nice to me....

Slenda pressed her fingers where the bridge of her nose would be. She ended up sighing.

Slenda: Fine, just don't expect us to protect her from humans. Other creepypastas, yes. But not humans....

I nodded.

Me: Thanks Slenda, oh and if you get summoned by the human, then just all her what her message is... Please?

The shock that went through her mind gave me all the time I needed to make a quick escape....

Slenda: SHAWN!

Suddenly I get myself get grabbed by a tendril.

I saw that it was Offenda.

Offenda licked her lips and said.

Offenda: My my, looks like someone's in trouble. I can help of course. But first....

She held or a rose, it was black in color.

Offenda: Want a rose?

I nodded, trying to be polite and took it. She smiled wider. Then she said.

Offenda: I'll talk to Slenda, okay? Just go to your room....

I nodded and headed off. When I got in a put the rose on a bar and decided to go to bed....

Offenda POV:
My mind: I have him now.... I can tell he's a virgin.... Not for long though....

I opened Slenda's office door and said.

Me: Don't work Slenda, I'm sure he meant no harm.

Slenda said.

Slenda: He still needs to know that that wasn't the right thing to do....

I spoke seductively.

Me: Don't worry, I'll do that for you sis....

Slenda: You didn't!

I smirked.

Me: He accepted my rose.... I'm going to have fun with the virgin.... He won't be one in a little while....

A/n: Sorry if I took too long I've just had so much on my mind and doing so much. I'll try to update some of my other stories as well as this one. Until next time.... :)

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