What You Know

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Shawn POV:
I woke up in a cold sweat, I looked around, I was in a bedroom. The walls were a blank gray, the floor was plain concrete, the bed that I don't remember getting on was very comfortable. I felt pain in my head. As I got up that door creaked open.

Slenderwoman: How are you feeling, Shawn?

She seemed to be honestly concerned. So the least I could do is tell her the truth.

Me: My head hurts like crazy, and I had a strange dream...

Slenderwoman seemed to notice that I was shaking, so she told me.

Slenderwoman: It's okay if you don't want to tell me.

I quickly added.

Me: I need to ask you... Could you look inside my head?

Slenderwoman seemed surprised by my request, but all the same nodded. I felt her in my head, picking through my memories, until she found what I asked her to find. She stood there seeming more confused than ever.

Slenderwoman: This dream is strange most of the "urban legends" that humans have called "creepypasta" are female. I know of no make figure that is capable of doing this dream... I will make a trip to the All-knower, she may know who, or what, we are looking for. But do NOT go looking for him. Talk to the other girls and get to know them. Have fun...

With that she teleported away. So I decided to take her advice and went to the living room to meet all of the creepypastas....

Well it seems that you all chose to tell Slenderwoman about the dream. But how will that figure react to this? Guess you'll figure out later. The next chapter will be meeting most of the creepypasta girls.

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