Nightmare Come True

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Shawn POV:
I didn't know why but I ran home. When I entered the house I saw my mom looking at me in surprise.

Mom: Sweetheart, what are you doing out of school so early?

I was afraid to speak because of my voice. Instead I just walked past her toward my room.

When I got to my room I quickly shut and locked the door. I then went into the bathroom add-on. That was when my horrible, good for nothing, drunk of a father banged on the door.

Dad: Hey you peice of shit son. Open this door, you know what will happen if I have to break it down...

My anger returned in full force. I looked in the mirror and what I saw almost made me scream in terror.

My face was boneir than normal, my eyes seemed to have sunk back so far that it made it look just like sockets, my skin was so pale it was translucent, my hands were so bony that you could see the black liquid flowing where there should be red blood.
My fingers were also had claw like nails, my teeth looked sharper than scalpels. I realized that father had broken through the first door and was working on the bathroom door.

Dad: That's it you little shit, when I get in there you are dead!

As he broke through the door, he stopped in his tracks. He saw me and I felt his emotions. Fear, the scent of his fear gave me strength. My voice sounded demonic again. I grabbed him by the neck.

Me: No... You're the dead one!

Dad: Let me go you FREAK!

That last word snapped all rational thoughts. I squeezed his throat until I felt his blood from my nails on it. I threw him out the second floor window. After I heard the satisfying sound if his body hitting the concrete below I went towards my mom. My mind was still clouded.

Mom: Honey please I've only done what was best for you. That school included.

Me: That school tortured me! Is that what you thought would be "best"?

She looked at me with a shocked expression. That was until I sliced her down with my nails.

After that the fog in my head lifted, upon realizing what I done washed over me. My strange body restored itself to normal.

As I wept I heard police sirens coming closer. After I left the house from the back entrance. As I went to the treeline I saw her, Slenderwoman, however she had Sally with her.

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