He made a questioning face at them, not having understood what Tucker had said to piss Sam off. "What?" Luckily, he could still guess how loud he was talking.

"What's the plan," Tucker over-articulated.

"The plan? What plan?"

"Exactly..." Sam mumbled.

Before either of the boys could protest, a sudden gush of wind flew between them, followed by a head poking out of the mist. "Hello."

Maybe they screamed.

"They're on the third floor," Ectoplasm suddenly said

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"They're on the third floor," Ectoplasm suddenly said. The other two perked up, trying to see what was happening. Some battle-sounds echoed within the walls, with no clear point of origin. "On our left," he clarified. "What is the plan?"

"Mic distracts them and tries to split them up. We'll take one each depending on where they end up," Aizawa said with a clear tone that it wasn't up for debate. He wanted to finish this, get out of the camera's sights —had they fixed the mist-issue yet?— and leave.

"Sounds like a plan," Mic grinned before taking one step forward, directing his head in the right direction and screaming, "YEEAAAAHHHH!"

Aizawa could hear the surprised and pained yelps coming from the general direction of Mic's attack and decided he'd move a floor or two upwards, in case they didn't jump off. Ectoplasm would go to the other side and Mic would keep his distance. Manson could make a staircase, Foley could float himself down, and Fenton might have something up his sleeve as well. Should they be able to think under these conditions.

He was proven wrong as he nearly bumped into the latter on the second floor.

He could see Fenton's eyes widen before he rolled to the side and stayed in a low crouch. Aizawa jumped back, goggles in place, and capture weapon at the ready. He activated his Quirk in an instant out of instinct and could see Fenton panic as he saw his hair starting to float.

Aizawa jumped around before charging, but Fenton rolled out of the way before he could grab him. Fenton backed up until his heels were close to of the edge of the floor, close to falling over 30 feet down. Aizawa fell into a crouch as Fenton had a few seconds ago, and paused.

He wanted to see what Fenton could do without being close to falling.

He dropped his Quirk's hold on the teen and watched with slight surprise how he stumbled as his Quirk was returned to him. Aizawa knew Fenton's Quirk was strong, but this was the first time he saw someone physically adapting to regaining it. He'd have to ask later, but right now, he had to make sure he didn't plummet to his death.

Fenton blinked as his feet seemed to lose their grip on the edge of the concrete of the floor, and he toppled right over the edge, out of Aizawa's sight. The man immediately jumped after the teen. He'd wanted to push them, but he didn't want them dead.

Aizawa couldn't see the teen falling before he landed, but Fenton wasn't laying on the concrete as well. What had happened? Did Ectoplasm catch him? Manson or Foley do it?

Did he catch himself?

Something tugged at his foot and he was quick to jump away while spinning around. The vines protruded from the ground and waved back and forth in front of Aizawa, seemingly taunting him as they moved towards him and retreated again. He extended his capture weapon and seamlessly cut through the plants, and frowned as nothing happened. They just...fell to the ground and stayed there. No re-growing heads or anything, bu—

He yelped as his footing was lost to him. Now hanging upside down, apparently, he looked at his feet. Another vine was wrapped around his ankles and disappeared into the mist. Great. They actually did have a plan.

Aizawa crossed his arms and sighed. These kids were gonna be the death of him one day, with their constant improvements and surprises. How they managed to get so synced up in just a few years was beyond him, but it was quite impressive nonetheless. He was glad they would be on their side of the battle.

He could hear Ectoplasm use his special move, the Forced Internment Giant Bites, and within a second, Manson yelped and the hold on his ankles loosened. Aizawa pummeled towards the ground and just managed to twist himself in the air and roll over his shoulder instead of landing on his head.

Aizawa took a second to reorient himself, looking around the near vicinity, and slowly crept forward. Into the mist, into the fight, into the danger.

He just wanted a nap.

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